Ch. 3 A Heavy Rain

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Doorway to the Past
!Link Akkala/Hateno Tech Labs

My mind is preoccupied with her.

Ever since that encounter yesterday, I have found myself thinking of excuses to return. Why did she have those articles? What is her reasoning behind studying the "Hero of Time?"

Could she not see that I am him? I may not remember much, but I do remember when Zelda officially dubbed me her knight. It was among the other champions. I can remember Revoli's snide remarks decorating the background. Daruk's frustration over the lack of energy in Zelda's proclamation. Urbosa's empathy towards the princess's disdain. And sweet Mipha, her eyes simply beholding me.

Zelda had specifically stated, "The sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the hero."

Certainly, if that girl has studied the Hero of Time, she would recognize that I wield the blade that seals great evils. I will find a way to go to her again.

But... I'd be lying if it were merely motivation to question her studies. I find myself going back so that I may be granted the privilege of her gaze once more.


You rubbed your forehead over the mangled mess of guardian parts at your workstation. You decided to work in the solitude of the loft area today. Below, Jerrin and Robbie were once again bickering over Cherry.

I have never seen a couple squabble so much over an inanimate object before.

Concentration was not your friend today. Every time you picked up an ancient core, you thought of Link's pupils dilating in suspense at your articles.

Goddesses, what if he thought you had a crush on him?

How silly. In your mind, he could never live up to his predecessor, the Hero of Time.

You dragged through another hour of your shift when you heard an unexpected knock on the door below. You bolted upright in your seat when you heard Robbie announce the mystery visitor's name.

"Link! What a surprise! Do come in!"

Just hearing his name made you gasp for air. You mentally begged he wouldn't come up to the loft. You also knew that begging was futile.

He was there for you.

You sat with your elbows on the table surface, your hands folded against your forehead. You could hear the distorted conversation below.

"Ah, Queen Zelda is not with you? I was under the impression you both would be with Purah today. Oh, Y/N? She is working up in the loft. She probably finds this crazy old man a bit too distracting, heh."

You could hear the tread of footsteps lightly ascending upward. If not for the slight tinkling of iron against the shoddy wood of the stairs, you could almost hear a pin drop. Until, once again, the Silent Knight was standing in front of you.

He cleared his throat, unsure of how to announce his presence to you. Not that his presence had ever left you. You feigned studying in one of your books, only to realize the book was upside down.

Could I possibly be more pathetic?

"Forgive me for my intrusion." He was so awkward; you were starting to imagine that waking up naked in the Shrine of Resurrection probably didn't faze him. At least, that's what you had heard. That he had awoke from his century long slumber, naked. Why were you thinking about this man nude? Link's eyes motioned to the empty chair across from you.

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