Ch.24 In the Worst Possible Way

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Outfox the Rito
!Link Rito Flight Range

Nothing can ever be simple when it comes to the Rito.

I am not joking when I say I'd rather spend my time wearing women's garments in Gerudo Town than deal with their tiring tactics.

Of the few memories I was able to recover post-cryonisis, I remember Revali. The most ridiculously pompous, rude, and hard-headed Rito I had ever had the misfortune of meeting. What's worse was that he was a fellow champion.

Not only did I have to fight alongside this belittling jackass, but I was also expected to tolerate his abuse.

Once again, time is dwindling away, and I am at the mercy of more Rito games.

Except I don't seem to mind it this time around.

If Teba insists on partaking in another aerial challenge with Y/N harnessed snug to my body, then who am I to decline?


Don't look down. Just. don't. look. down.

Perhaps your frantic chants would work if your feet were secure on the ground and not way up high on one of the many peaks of the Hebra Mountain range. Coincidentally, it was as if Link chose the highest one.

"Y/N, what are you doing? Come on, we need to practice your archery."

"If you were my target, I wouldn't mind practicing." You muttered out of earshot.

"Think of it as part of your knight training. Any knight worth their salt knows how to shoot an arrow."

You raised your voice; the freight in it could be heard from the booming echo that swooshed between the mountain tops. "Well, Link, shooting an arrow is easy. Shooting an arrow while I'm swinging from an altitude of 50,000 feet is different! I'm afraid of heights, in case you can't tell!"

If Link felt any remorse for thrusting you into one of your greatest fears, you couldn't tell by the wide smile that hit his earlobes. "There is nothing to fear when you have me as your wings."

"How can you be so confident in that- that thing?" You pointed at Link's paraglider. Its once splendid embroidery of gold had frayed into a color of rust. Small, scraggly threads hung off of each flap, telling you that it had seen better days.

"King Rhoam gave it to me. Do you think the king of Hyrule would give me a defective piece of equipment to rely on when the fate of the kingdom was laying in the balance?"

"Well, he did die, so..."

"Y/N!" The outrage of your response aroused a small smirk to appear on Link's lips. "You're quite naughty sometimes. Come here." He took your hand and whisked you toward the mountain's edge. The warmth of his hand wrapped around yours was an appreciated defense against the chilled Hebra air. You closed your eyes as you whimpered a plea of despair. "Link, please don't make me look down."

"The only way to destroy that which you fear is to face it head on."

You couldn't help but challenge his confidence. "What do you fear?" The wind was more intimidating when you were standing on a precipice. You felt a rogue gust hurtle into you with all its might, pushing you backwards. It knocked you slightly off balance and into the cushioning safety of Link's strong arms.

"Love." The way Link said it made you float away further than the force of the gales surrounding you could. "Sometimes what we fear is what we secretly want in the worst possible way." You weren't sure if the blood that was rushing to your head was from the view below you or the intense feeling within you.

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