Ch. 33 Harbinger of Terror

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Wrangle on Mt.Ploymus
!Link. Zora's Domain

There used to be an ancient myth in Hyrule, and it went something like this:

Many call the terrain of Hyrule home.

But the most fearsome are the Lynel, who roam.

Din, with her power of crude flame,

Nayru, with her shining wisdom and acclaim,

and Farore, whose valiant courage has garnered fame;

together, with their forces as one,

They banish the evil beast up high on Mt.ploymus,

where Hylia, with her golden harp, proclaims its reign of terror is forever undone.

As a knight of one hundred years, I can promise- no, I can swear- on the land of Hyrule itself, no being has ever managed to put the fear of the goddess in me like a Lynel.

Not even Ganon.

Crafted in the image of the centaur, their upper body consists of formidable brawn, while their lower half propels them forward with a horse's four cylinders of power.

To put it simply, if I trained every day for twenty-five years, I would accumulate maybe half of the muscle mass of a Lynel.

But I don't have twenty-five years.

I don't even have twenty-five minutes.

I swore I would never set foot on an acre of land near Mt.Ploymus again.

But love has a habit of making you do crazy things.

I must admit, however, that fighting a Lynel was never on my list.


Sidon put another sugar cube into your tea glass. "So, you see, once Fronk completes the final repairs to some of the beams and the stairs, we would love to host an event within the domain. Why, I just had Mipha's statue polished. Could you tell, Link?"

He swirled his tea, his hands too large for the dainty flatware that graced the table. Once he deemed the sugar dissolved to his liking, he lifted the porcelain to his lips and made an obnoxious slurp.

You glanced over at Link, who inattentively sat, constructing a jenga tower with the bones sucked dry from his sanke carp. You lightly kicked Link beneath the table.

He shot you a look from above his carp bone tower. "Link, Sidon asked you a question."

"Hey now, Y/N, it's alright! Link has had a long journey; he must be exhausted. And how could I be so silly to plan an extravaganza when the moon is crashing into earth?" Sidon made himself laugh. You couldn't help but succumb to the vibrant sound of it, laughing along with him.

From beside you, Link was making faces.

Wasn't Sidon his best friend? Why was he acting so unmannered? Surely, he couldn't be jealous of a fish.

Could he?

"Tell me, Y/N, how did you meet Link?"

You sipped your tea, allowing it to lull you into a false sense of calm. If circumstances were different, you could see yourself coming to Zora's Domain just to hang out. The history that had steeped so richly within every surface, much like the Hyrule herb in your tea, delivered quite a distinguishing look to the domain. You couldn't help but drink it all in.

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