Ch.34 The Sweetest Victory

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**** WARNING: SEGGSSSS**** The first half is sex-free!

Demonstrating Desire

!Link                                        Mt.Ploymus

I can't really blame Y/N for making her way onto Mt.Ploymus.

Without a sign, she wouldn't have known better.

But you know what I can blame her for?

Awakening a beast more dreadful than the Lynel.

The barbaric brute of lust that's been hiding inside of me.

It has been a century, after all.

The time has come for clarification and demonstration. To use with action what words won't seem to get through.

After I'm finished with her, the word 'friend' will never leave her lips in my presence again.


You hated the grueling stealth training you had to endure as a child growing up under the Shiekah. Whether it be obstacle courses or jutsu demonstrations, you grew up detesting them, becoming more invested in your studies. While you never obtained much in the way of jutsu, you could stop, drop, and roll like nobody's business.

The Lynel charged at you, swinging his scythe downward as if he were trying to impale an ant, you couldn't help but feel an inkling of gratitude. You gracefully dodged, rolling out of the way.

But you could only dodge for so long.

The Lynel skidded through the grass, stopping, then gazing down at you with the precision of a vulture, ready to swoop down at any given moment. The scythe oscillated back and forth like the pendulum of a clock, predicting the hour of your demise. You weren't sure what made you look, but you noticed the Lynel nonchalantly held the scythe's hilt between its middle finger and forefinger.

It wasn't even gripping it. And yet, it possessed such power that one cut would swipe your head clean off your neck.

What a monstrosity of a creature!

In a flash, the Lynel was before you. You managed to sprint with your good leg and do another meager roll.

I can't keep this up forever.

You laid with your weight on your forearms and toes, momentarily resting your head against the mushy grass. A flashback of you and Link taking on the Moblins whirled through your mind. The reminiscence of empowerment, paired with the euphoria of being invincible, seized you.

Where is that surge of power now? That rush of confidence? Or did you only blossom at your truest potential when you had Link by your side?

You may not possess the valor Link did, but you were a wise girl. There had to be something rolling around in your brain that would help you survive.

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