Ch.26 MayDay

137 16 13

Crash Landing

!Link Hebra Mountain South Summit

It was fun while it lasted.

Truthfully, I knew I couldn't exist in this secret little world with Y/N forever. I knew I'd have to face Zelda at some point and answer for my actions.

Answer for my feelings.

Some part of me is running from this mask and the history attached to it. I have faith, at least, in Riju and Teba to uphold their end of the search. Even if it is all in vain.

How ironic it all is. I spent so much time before destroying Ganon trying to recover these lost fragments of memories. Now, I want nothing more than to run from them. To pretend they don't exist. To abolish them, along with the Hero of Time and what it is he is asking me to do.

If the answer is the Ocarina of Time, then the question remains... will Y/N remember my feelings toward her?

Or will we continue to go around and around in a cycle of firsts with the continuous possibility of nevers?


Your bodies were soaring. With each kilometer of descent, you both disappeared into a souffle of clouds. What did the clouds taste like? You opened your mouth, your tongue hanging out like a drooling puppy. You were met with surprise when little droplets of ice rained against it. You smacked your lips together, trying to gather your thoughts on what you were tasting.

"See, Y/N, this isn't so bad. Sometimes, you just need to take the plunge." Link's hands gripped the paraglider as he made a gentle turn toward a bullseye painted on a mountain ridge in the distance.

"Link!" Your voice was exuberant with your new discovery. "The clouds taste like ice!"

"I wasn't aware ice had a flavor." An amused chuckle drifted from behind you. "That's what clouds are made of. Didn't you know?"

"You're forgetting I'm not an environmentalist. I'm just a guardian researcher."

"You're not 'just' anything. You're everything."

You couldn't help but wonder about Link. Where was all this brazen energy coming from?

Why was it so heavy all of a sudden?

And why was it making you sad? As if he was getting closer and closer to you, only to be pilfered away. The creeping anxiety of disaster kept surfacing, and you had to push it down. You hoped its heaviness would sink beneath the clouds and land back on the ground, where it hopefully wasn't waiting for you.

"Y/N, can you see that target in the distance? Ready your bow and try your best to aim."

You removed your bow with an arrow from the quiver that was stationed on your hips. You tried to remember what Link taught you. But you kept thinking about his hands and how they guided your body. You kept thinking about how you weren't safe from the deepest depths of your desires, even when you were up high where you hoped they couldn't reach you. You shot the arrow, and it hit a random area of the mountain, ricocheting off and plummeting to an uncertain fate below.

"Remember what I taught you. Keep your elbows straight. I know it's hard, but you can do this. We can't win, but we can try, and that's what matters."

You pulled the string of the bow and aimed with a new arrow. You had a proposition you wanted to offer Link. A motivating factor. If he would take it.

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