Ch.29 Go My Way

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Facing the Greater Evil

!Link        Hyrule Castle

There was so much I wanted to say, yet I couldn't seem to resurrect the words from the tip of my tongue.

The Blood Moon's savage glow has illuminated more than its critical threat-but also a critical truth.

I won't play the Ocarina of Time.

I won't erase Y/N's memories.

I won't.

I can't erase that kiss, and because of this foolish decision from my heart, I can no longer call myself a knight. Teba's warnings were absolutely right.

Once the heart is involved, there is no turning back.

There must be some other way to stop Majora's mask. I believe I should leave Y/N in the safety of the castle and journey to Eldin and Lanayru. No stops. No sleeping. No rest.

From there, I will recruit Sidon and Yunobo's help. By then, someone has to have seen Kilton.

They have to.

I've beaten impossible odds before; I will beat them again.

But not at the cost of my heart.



That's how you'd describe them.

Of course, Link did eat some courser honey candies while you were on the road.

But the taste that remained on your lips was that of a delectable confectionary.

Did your lips taste as sweet as his? You presumed they did, because he demanded more of you throughout the journey home. You'd feel his eyes on you, acting as rovers eagerly searching for the destination that was your lips. When you caught sight of 'the' glance, your breath would catch. Before you knew it, you were pinned against a random tree as his lips would take their fill, while the backdrop of the Blood Moon sat observing you both.

With each kissing break, you pressed a little harder and left your lips enmeshed a little longer, hoping they would imprint on your soon-to-be lost memories.

Hyrule Castle loomed on the near horizon. Dark clouds tickled the tips of the castle's hoardings, an unwelcoming site. It should have felt good to be on familiar terrain.

It felt sickening. Anxiety sank to the nadir of your stomach like a dormant sea monster waiting to rise and create havoc.

Even Reisz and Epona trotted along somberly, in accordance with the melancholy in the air.

Link cleared his throat from beside you, drawing your attention toward him. "It seems like we will be there within the next hour or two."

"Yes, it seems like it." You took in the unplowed landscape of the East Castle Town ruins. Cylinder and concrete-smashed bricks littered the ground from houses that met their demise during the calamity. You noticed a rogue dandelion growing between the debris. A stark symbol of hope. "I wonder when they'll begin rebuilding." You tried to make comfortable chatter between the gloomy, dense air that was between you and Link.

"It will be a long process." Link responded dryly.

"Just like getting my memories back." You bit your lip as soon as you said it.

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