Ch.23 Feathers of Fury

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Take Flight

!Link                                           Rito Flight Range

I love a challenge.

I feel as if my heart could melt all of the snow on Hebra Mountain. When Y/N said she wouldn't give in to me...

I can think of nothing else but how I can make her give in to me.

I never had a woman make me so weak by declaring four simple words.

Sometimes I ponder what I was like before I was put to sleep in the Shrine of Resurrection. Did I love Zelda before my memories were erased and she simply became a voice in my head I couldn't recognize? Or is the guilt I feel something deeper? Am I neglecting Hylia's plan for me by forging my own path in love?

But when I look at Y/N, I can't envision a life without her. I can't even remember how I existed without her.

Nor do I want to.

So, there is only one thing I can do.

Convince her to give in to me. To give into the love that has consumed me since we first met.

To give into fate.


The Tabantha Frontier was merciless with its cruel wind. Your thick hair offered no protection against the frosty gusts of wind. Your scalp began to prickle with chills as you pulled your jacket up over your nose, attempting to shield yourself from the cold. Evening had descended upon the mountain, and with it a silence as piercing as the gales.

You and Link approached the cave, grateful more Moblins didn't show up and ransack your minimal belongings.

Epona let out a shrill neigh, ushering Link to run over to the pot of soup that was about to boil over. "Hmm, we beat them just before dinner was ready. Impressive."

The man had a one-track mind when it came to food.

"Can I help?" Your question was an olive branch. You couldn't seem to collect your feelings. One moment you were both all over each other, and the next you were acting like strangers. The constant back and forth with your heart was draining, but you had no one to blame but yourself.

How ironic that the 'silent knight 'is the better communicator.

"Just relax. I've got it." Link had two wooden bowls in Epona's saddlebag. He dished it out, the steam vaporizing into a hazy shape that looked like the Hero of Time's face. You were hypnotized.

While the soup sat to cool, warm notes of peppered curry wavered through the air. Link gave Epona and Reisz some apple slices, and in an almost inaudible murmur, he began reciting your melody. It was only through his voice that you heard another voice that you were beginning to know all too well.

Your head whipped toward Link, the trance severed by an image of the Hero of Time leaning on the paneled fence and playing his ocarina.


He turned around, continuing to hum with his face remaining completely tranquil. Until he took a gander at your own.

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