Ch.36 Home Is Where the Fire Is

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An Act of Arson
!Link Akkala Region

    From a distance, the burning prism of oranges, reds, and yellows looks like the normal crown of Akkala's regional treasure, its dense autumnal trees. But approach it ever so closely, and the stench of burnt hickory and oak matches the unsettling smog of a vehement inferno.

Y/N has said little the ride back home. Not that it is expected, nor does she need to. I see the shadows of torment, the shadows of worry and grief beginning to obscure her bright e/c eyes. Her lips remained pressed together, her jaw set, and the nerves hinged together, creating a pinched sensation that ran up her cheeks.

I like to think that Jerrin and Robbie are safe. They are too crafty to be taken down by a fire.

My inclination is that Kilton, er, Majora, has started the fire, which leads me to believe he has to be close. Almost all of Hyrule is aware of this man; how does he continue to remain unseen?

Maybe as we extinguish this conflagration, we will also catch an arsonist.


Your nostrils stung with the familiar scent of burnt wood.

Only this time, it was not from a terrifying Lynel shooting an electric arrow at you.

It was something far worse.

Your home, Akkala, and all its natural beauty are currently being decimated by the lethal blaze of a wildfire. Tears kept poking at your tear ducts and traveling down your weary cheeks. You could feel Link stealing glances your way. You avoided his gaze, knowing the remorse in his eyes would only serve to escalate your urge to sob.

I should have said goodbye to Jerrin and Robbie. And now I may never see them again.

You ordered Reisz to halt. Epona slid beside you, with Link following your lead. He jumped off of Epona and made his way toward you. You jumped off of Reisz, barely making it into his arms, before you collapsed and wept. His arms provided the kind of hug that spoke through its strength.

"Y/N..." The tender note in the way he spoke your name made you start to wail even harder. He held you in silence, not wanting to offer any disingenuous condolences. Once Link sensed he possessed the right words, he spoke. "Y/N, no matter what, Jerrin and Robbie adored you like their own. Those feelings can never be destroyed. Not by fire nor by death. I don't know them like you do, but I know one thing: they are some of the most brilliant and capable minds in all of Hyrule, along with Purah. I don't know what this fire was meant to accomplish, but I know they are too smart to meet their end at the hands of it."

You pulled your tear-soaked face away from the crook of Link's neck. You wiped your eyes, your tongue running across the salty tears that had glossed your lips. "Are you saying that to make me feel better, or do you truly believe that?"

He grabbed your hand and placed it on his cool armor, where his warm heart lay beneath. "With every beat of my heart, I believe they are okay. "

"I didn't say goodbye, Link. Before we left, I should have said goodbye."

"Goodbye is an illusion created by the flesh. We always come together again, whether it be in this life or the next. No matter what, you'll see them again, Y/N. We found each other, remember? Think about this: if they're alive and well, you get to tell them you fought a Lynel, and Zelda wants to recruit you to the historian guild."

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