Ch.22 Scars of the Past

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Creating Body Heat

!Link Hebra Mountain

A doltish move on my part?


But when I watched Y/N against the Moblins, I recognized her latent strength, which she keeps so well shrouded beneath all of her history fluff. I noticed it before when she went after Kilton's bullies and when I watched her defend our canine hero back in Lurelin. The key to Y/N's strength is her passion. If her attacker hadn't snuck up on her, I guarantee that somehow, she would have defended herself.

Especially if the motive was made clear to steal her precious Hero of Time journal.

I never quite knew what I was working with, as it was hard to tell just by watching her swing a stick.

Now I know there is the ferocity of a grizzly bear beneath her soft flesh, and it requires some prodding.

But when it comes out, well, let's just say, I might not be too foolish in thinking she could have made Ganon run for the hills.


"Link! Are you mad?" Your hand gripped the hilt of the blade, the cold iron of the pommel above your finger forced you to loosen your clutch. Link was right; you were tired just from holding it so hard, you'd never be able to swing it.

"Y/N." Link glanced your way, an air of confidence in his voice. "I promised you I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"You're feeding me to the wolves!" You protested.

Link's only response was a soft chuckle. "No, I'm feeding you to the Moblins."

"Link!" He ignored you as he dashed forward toward the throng of Moblins.

An ugly snort sliced through the air above you. A Moblin began to dance around you, jeering in a grotesque way that resembled the sound of bronchitis. Unable to meet its repugnant face and in a mild stage of shock, you ducked with the shield Link bequeathed you. You saw a slew of mucus land by your foot.

"You felt a force collide with your shield. You fell backward, still managing to hold the shield in place and surprisingly still grip your dagger. You heard Link's voice from somewhere around you.

"The knee!" You turned to see three Moblin bodies scattered around Link as he slashed through the fourth. You couldn't help but watch him, mesmerized.

"Hylia. Is he a human or a machine?"

The force of the Moblin pressing on your shield was immobilizing. You realized you let yourself get distracted as he managed to topple over you, pressing you hard onto your back.

"Ah!" The air was painted with a splatter of crimson as Link flew by. "Don't ever remove your eyes from your opponent." The heaviness of the Moblin ceased as his body slid off of you, deceased by a swipe of Link's blade.

Another one lurched toward you. This time, you decided to try your hand. You held your shield in place, holding your dagger in a lax grip, ready to swing.

If Link believes in me, I must believe in me.

The Moblin let out a roar as it charged at you. A giant snot bubble bursting from its hooded nostril.

"Why do these creatures remind me of Hoz?" You glowered as you raised your shield to defend against the impact of its wooden club. You heard the sound of a tree rustle above you as you saw Link jumping from the limbs of the trees like an orangutan.

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