Ch.32 A Dashing Prince in the Form of a Fish

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Consult a Dear Friend

!Link Lanayru Wetlands

I took my leave at midnight.

The Blood Moon flared with anger, its rays pounding like fists of fire against the castle's windows.

Y/N slept cuddled to my side in the medic's office. Hylia, forgive me, but I had to do it. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself should something happen to her, and so I snuck away with nothing more than a loving peck on her forehead. I held my breath as I roamed the castle's sullen corridors, not wanting to arouse anyone's attention. As soon as I made it outside, the coolness of night drifted against my skin, instantly making me lament leaving Y/N's warm body.

I filled Epona's saddlebags with enough supplies to make it to Zora's domain. As I glanced up at the window where the medic's office lies, I saw Zelda's eyes peering down at me. She simply nodded in my direction.

Her green eyes narrowed into slits of warning, reminding me I could only disobey her so many times.

The feirce deity mask must be used. It was not up for debate.

I mounted Epona and made my way forward through the Lanayru Wetlands.

The mask constantly reminding me of my duty.

And through its harassment of reminders, sometimes it would laugh.


"No!" Kilton wailed.

In his bare hands, Kilton had pinned down a fawn. Its eyes were emboldened by panic as it flitted its scrawny limbs back and forth.

"How dare you fight against me, you pathetic fool. You are nothing more than a marionette. Know your place when you answer me."

Kilton fell to his knees. "A Marionette. But you and I- we are friends, aren't we?"

The acute and taunting voice of Majora was gnawing in his mind. Slowly chewing away at the remainder of his thoughts. The remainder of his sanity. Kilton took this mask in hopes of making a friend. Something told Kilton that even though he never had a friend, this wasn't how they behave.

"Of course, we are friends. As long as you do what I say."

Behind the mask, Kilton's eyeballs were peeled backward into the back of his skull. "Kill!"

Kilton's fists reached around the neck of the fawn, his hands clasping shut, choking it. The panicked eyes that searched for its mother searched in vain. The struggling limbs slowly came to a halt, the body going slack as a single, final breath from the fawn drifted into the atmosphere.

Kilton felt tears burn his face as they trailed down his chin and slipped away from the mask. They plopped on the lifeless body of the fawn. The fawn who did nothing wrong, like many of the people who would die in Hyrule because of Kilton's own insatiable lust for revenge.

His insatiable lust to say he had a friend.

It was too late now.

He couldn't save Hyrule, and he would never know what it was like to call someone a friend.

The mental torment of Majora continued. "You're not much fun anymore. Perhaps I should play with the moon instead."

Kilton knew what would happen if he tried to fight back. He would kill more innocent creatures. And so, he remained silent, the only weapon in his arsenal right now.

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