Ch.20 Don't Shoot the Messenger

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Confess and Confront
!Link                                   Gerudo Town

Onward and upward.

I've been oppressed by my own secrets for far too long. I am slightly embarrassed, as a knight is not one to copiously regurgitate their emotions the way I had.

But Y/N, she is the shovel that unearths all the words buried in the soil of my secrecy.

It also couldn't be the catalyst that was her body so brashly on display before me. Hylia, I could barely keep my hands off of her. It is a shame that once we approach the frigid atmosphere of Hebra Mountain, it will call for her body to be covered up.

That is neither here nor there.

I thought for sure that her feelings were on par with mine. At least, each time our eyes connected, I thought this.

But she responded by bringing up the Hero of Time.

Just hearing her mention his title makes my blood grow hot.

What's more, Y/N then continued to advise that I steal the Ocarina of Time.

I have already snubbed my duty by not returning to the castle. What's one more faux pas?

Only this would be considered a crime.

Perhaps I should have gone and found out how many kilometers away the Blood Moon is from earth. I cordially request that it crash into me so I may not have to suffer this rejection.


You weren't sure you had heard Link correctly.

Or perhaps this was some new form of a dream. Yes, you were actually asleep, and this was merely another visitation.

The latter was more likely than what you thought you heard.

Only the indentation on your arms from Link's desperate grip felt extremely real. You even had small, puckered marks of red from where his fingers were digging into you, holding you into him.

His eyes eagerly sought a response from you, and when he saw you couldn't offer one, other than an expression of stupor, he continued on.

"I couldn't leave things as they were. The rift between us was caused by my actions... by my lies." 

A look of contemplation hung between his brows. "Maybe, I too am afraid of the growing proximity of the Blood Moon. The idea of not being able to save Hyrule, well, should we perish, I want to atone for what I haven't done right." You felt his hands fall away from you, but the proximity of his body remained.

"Link..." You snapped yourself out of it. "Your mask is down. Come into my room. If someone sees you, it won't look good." You felt stupid. You were afraid to inquire more, knowing that the real root of your fear was rejection. Any little look or ambiguous statement made by Link, had your hopes soaring in the sky like a kite. Until now, you'd been able to reel them in, but you were afraid the kite was getting away from you.

Your hope that he wanted you the way you wanted him was becoming impossible to control.

You walked into the bedroom, and Link remained at the doorway, not crossing its threshold. He shook his head at you. "No. There is something I must confess first."

You sat on the bed, patting a spot next to you. "Sit Link. You're making me nervous. Please, just-"

In an instant, he was on his knees before your body. He grabbed your hand. Your fingers jumbled together in a mess of flesh resting on your thigh. You felt a blush begin to creep on your face. "Listen, Y/N, I've lied to you. If after this you want to go back to Akkala, I understand."

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