Ch.40 While Chaos Rages

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Choosing a Fire to Extinguish

!Zelda Death Mountain

The corrupted guardians have multiplied.

With the Shiekah fighting to ward them away from Kakariko and Purah returning with Symon to defend Hateno, I promptly returned to the castle.

There is the tiniest transgression that has been noted. My sealing powers are useless. The power invested in me by Hylia herself is meant for the evil that I was born to fight. To seal that, which is the malevolence of Ganon, is my reason for existing. Majora is an evil of another, its own separate entity of wickedness that belongs to another dimension.

It was with this realization that I was brought back to being that weak girl crying at the Spring of Power, cursing Hylia for rendering me powerless during a time when my people needed me the most.

When my friends needed me the most.

When Link needed me the most.

Well, I suppose Link never needed me. I needed him.

With Vah Medoh overseeing the castle grounds and an executive order placed to evacuate the citizens, I will make my way to Eldin with Riju piloting Vah Naboris, pummeling any guardians that should hinder our travels.

Vah Ruta and the Zora have returned to their domain, guarding the moon, lest Lanayru also be swarmed with guardian forces.

Time is of essence, and I must make my way to speak with Yunobo and inquire about the assistance of Vah Rudania.

It is times like these that I understand why I prefer the beauty of science to that of being a royal.

If my father were alive now, surely, he would find fault.

Why, he would find fault simply in how I am breathing.


"Oh, My Hylia..." The fury of twinkling magenta in the distance stole your breath.

"What is that?" The deity's arms were folded as he assessed the masses of guardians scurrying toward them.

"Guardians." You responded; your mouth unable to hinge itself back together. "A lot of guardians. This must have been why there were parts missing from our lab. Majora really is resurrecting the guardians as they were in the calamity. But how? How could he even know what they are?"

"What are guardians?"

"They are machines invented by the royal court to aid in protecting the land."

"Hmph. This is why you do not use robots to do the work of humans." He pulled his blade out, in a hurried swipe, holding it skyward.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to show you why technology is a menace to the human race." He closed his eyes, rallying a current of electricity to dance downward from the tip of his blade. You recognized his stance as the same one he was going to attack Majora with—that is, until your interference.

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