For Reader Entertainment

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Ya'll remember the chapter for Porgy, Purah and Panic? And I wrote this:

He ripped his armor off. He stood before you in a tattered undershirt. Until he removed that as well. Now he stood with nothing but the ripples of the pond behind him and the ripped definition of his abdomen before you.

"I'm catching you some dinner." Before you could inquire more, he dove into the pond. Little bubbles slapped the surface of the water, letting you know he was alive.

You sat dumbfounded from atop of Reisz. Your mind was still unable to move past shirtless Link. You weren't sure why you were shocked by his rock-hard physique. He was a knight after all. It's not like Zelda would have a flabby knight defending her. You just never imagined him to be that toned.

Not that you imagined him that much, mind you.

You dismounted Reisz, half tempted to rinse your dirty thoughts along with your flushed face in the pond.

Until the buff knight burst through the surface of the pond. Each hand held two porgy, thrashing wildly in hopes of being submerged in the water once more.

"L-Link, you know they make fishing rods?" You stammered as you were once again greeted by his chiseled torso.

Link was utterly oblivious. His eyes twinkled with pride at the fat porgy that whipped within his hands like flags flapping in a breeze. "Nonsense. It's easy to catch fish. Have you ever had porgy? They're my favorite seafood. They're very meaty; it'll fill your belly up in no time."

You focused on Reisz; if you stared at half-naked Link any longer, you may melt into a puddle of lusty oblivion. "How will you cook them? I can wait until we land in Hateno."

"We have another hour to go. I don't want you to go hungry. I have flint in my saddle bag. I can strike up a quick fire and roast them. Roasted porgy is absolutely delicious. I can't wait to make this for you."

So, this is how you get the silent knight to crack open with conversation. Mention Food. Who would have thought?

"Y/N, are you alright? Why are you facing that way? Do you see something?" Link stood behind you, observing over your shoulder. You glanced behind you, only to catch a glimpse of water droplets slowly rolling down his pecks.

What I ACTUALLY meant was this:

What I ACTUALLY meant was this:

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Good day😉

Artist is Estra1515 on Twitter!

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