Ch.48 A Harken Back to Helpless

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Fighting Spirit Restored

!Link                                Hyrule Castle

Parry, Left, Swing, Right

I can hear the Hero of Time guiding me. Each move from Majora is predictable.

Of course, this only serves to fuel his wrath.

There is an unwelcome throbbing radiating from my forehead, warmth oozes from my eye and down the right side of my face.

Yet I keep going. I must keep going.

I can hear myself calling out to Kilton. I can see the hesitation in the form of shaking limbs until another wave of dark matter is hurled in my direction.

I don't deserve to be supported by the ghost of this forgotten hero, but for whatever reason, he is behind me. If this all can be quelled, then I shall join Y/N's efforts to give him proper justice. Though I know not what justice looks like for a hero's legacy that has decayed with the cruel passage of time.

Perhaps justice can be given in the form of my acceptance.

I hope Y/N and Zelda are faring well.

Specifically, I think of Zelda and her impotent powers. To be unable to seal away the evil corrupting the guardians, well, it reminds me of the days of old when she would cry every single day, dragging me to one spring or another.

Praying. Begging.

And now, here she is again, powerless, much like me without the deity mask.

What comes up must go down, but how many times must we go down?


The world is ending.

Link is fighting against Majora, as the champions are outside warding off invading corrupt guardians.

And you, protege and lover of Link, are to protect the queen.

Yet all you can think about is how badly you wouldn't mind the total annihilation of the world if it meant you could get off the aching soles of your feet.

Of course, you keep this part to yourself.

You weren't sure where you were going, but Zelda followed behind you, without question or command. You wished she would order some type of edict. But she just continued to follow you, her silence louder than the sounds of your very obvious heavy breathing. When you finally hit the last step, you sighed beneath your breath. You stood in the castle's main hall, which would eventually lead to the entrance, or the gatehouse.

Beyond that, carnage.

But, not to your surprise, you could not advance any further thanks to three mischievous guardians scurrying around the room. "They've penetrated the castle walls." Zelda murmured beside you. Their mechanical eyes glowed with the same vile hatred as the blood moon, and they began to target you.

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