Ch.42 Two Sides to Truth

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Written in Third Person

!Zelda                    Death Mountain

This is HUGE.

I had assumed that all accounts of the heroes of legend's pasts were kept within the confines of the castle library.

How was Y/N able to procure this from Robbie? Or, more appropriately, how did it even come into Robbie's possession?

I remember finding it rather odd the day I caught Link sneaking around in the library. The way his eyes darted back and forth as he made sure he shut the door with not even so much as a click.

Of course, he did manage to not put the book back in the right slot.

So, as it stands right now, there are two accounts of the Hero of Time. An account of a salvaged timeline and a timeline that went untouched.

But only one of them is the truth.

And I can say with the utmost certainty that the recording we hold in the castle is at best subjective.

It should be noted. There are two sides when it comes to truth: the one who tells it and the one who doesn't.

But then there is a third.

The witness of the truth.


"Open nice and wide for me." The deity's arms were engorged with fury, and each vein that poked through his skin seemed to crackle like the deadly lightning he could summon. The brute force behind those veins meant annihilation at any given moment. He wrestled against Vah Rudania's mouth, his hands clasping each of the formidable lizard's lips as he tried to pry them apart and enter the divine beast.

You sat securely perched atop the ledge, gawking above you at the deadly spectacle taking place on the tip of Death Mountain.

"If you won't open for me, I suppose the only other option is force." His blade spilled from its sheath, and lightning began to pirouette around the shaft.

You screeched. "Idiot! Don't attack it! It is one of our protectors! You wouldn't attack one of the four gods in your world!"

The deity looked down at you, a measly speck of dust from the height at which he was levitating. "But we are not in my world; we are in yours; therefore, I have no reason to care about it."

Your hands involuntarily cupped your mouth as you watched him prepare his blade for an attack. He wasn't going to listen to you. Not that you expected him to, but you thought the idea of the divine beasts mimicking those of the four gods in Termina would bridge some kind of gap in your relationship. It hadn't. It only made him more resentful of the foreign land he had been locked in for centuries.

As the lightning began to susurrate with deadly velocity, the sound was drowned out by thundering steps in the distance. You squinted; the multitude of flaming ashes raining down could not conceal the shape of the mighty Vah Naboris stomping in your direction.

While the deity's eyes lingered on the electric camel, your eyes focused on Vah
Rudania and the slow creaking of its lips opening up. A rumbling voice, frantic in its tone, came from inside Rudania's mouth. "What is yer problem? What is all this ruckus?"

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