Ch.21 Something Bitter Blows This Way

185 15 8

Moblin Melee

!Link Hebra Mountains

I hope the frigid gales of Rito Village will blow my thoughts back on track.

I cannot afford to let my feelings get the best of me. There is too much at stake. I have a responsibility to the people of Hyrule, and here I am wallowing in rejection. As a knight, feelings are something that is almost as dangerous as dueling without chainmail. You're setting yourself up to be wounded.

I'll admit, when I found out my friends had all passed during the calamity and I was spared, I felt as though I should have gone with them. The depression that was threatening to cripple me lay just slightly beneath my drive for justice. If my drive for vengeance wasn't so strong, I would have happily moped amongst the waterfalls of Lanayru instead.

But love and vengeance cannot exist as compatriots.

Besides, exactly against whom did I want vengeance?

Myself? The version of me Y/N likes better?

With the Blood Moon inching closer by night, an elusive Kilton, and my heart leveraged by unconfined passion, I fear I am more fragile than an icicle about to fall from the summit of Hebra Mountain.


Riju sat propped among her throne, her opulent eyes of darkness drenched in boredom. As if her entourage of guards and bedazzled throne weren't reason enough to be intimidated, there was her impassive expression that pushed the fear factor right over the edge.

Until you and Link walked up, and stars of surprise exploded inside of her eyes.

"Guards! Please seek your posts outside." Two Gerudo soldiers, armed with eyeliner sharper than their scimitars, disappeared into a door behind Riju's throne. She sashayed toward you, ignoring Link completely.

"Hello there, Link. And who is your fashionable accomplice?" Riju ran her fingers down the seam of your skirt, admiring its handiwork. "This outfit, this fabric-you are a friend of Greta the seamstress?"

"Oh, actually, my friend Dina took me to Greta's shop. She is not a vai I know personally. I am pleased to meet you, Chief Riju." You gave a slack half-bow, not wanting to be ignorant. You remember catching a glimpse of her at the coronation ball. You had to admit that you didn't expect her blasé demeanor to melt over an outfit. As you studied Riju's intricate crests of gold embroidered on the chartreuse black skirt and top she proudly donned, you could see why.

She began to applaud. "Vai! Ah, Link, I like her! She is well versed in our fashion and our language. Bravo!"

Riju's flattery made your cheeks glow. " Sarqso..." You paused, hoping you chose the right word for "thank you."

"You know, Urbosa would be most happy to see our culture being so diligently spread and taught. Well," she said, turning to Link with a smirk. "Of course, our customs must bend a little when it comes to the great Hero of the Calamity. I know you didn't travel this far to speak fashion." She sauntered back to her luxurious throne, collapsing into its plush cushion. Her plump smile diminished into a wiry line.

"The people are starting to talk... about the peculiarities of the Blood Moon."

"You've found the reason I have traveled here." His response was laconic. You stood awkwardly by his side, waiting for Riju to question where the queen was. But she never did.

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