Ch.25 Freefalling

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Buckle up!

!Link Rito Flight Range

This is exactly what I was afraid of.

Teba's venom has been waiting to spew since he first saw Y/N by my side. If Zelda doesn't know by now that I swept Y/N away as my accomplice on this journey, she will know by the end of our competition. I must admit, I was surprised Riju did not inquire more. I could see it in her curious, dark eyes that she was dying to know what Y/N was doing with me and not Zelda. I am uncertain why she didn't ask, though I sensed at our departure that the question was scalding her tongue, yet she refrained from asking.

This is my own doing. If only I had been upfront with everyone. But the glimpse into Y/N's heart has all been worth it.

Down to every not -so- accidental caress and not -so- surreptitious glance.

It was all worth it.

The me before the calamity might have been mortified at such a loss of face.

But I'd rather lose face than lose this feeling in my heart.


Teba's beak was pointed so high upward that it may have been taller than the Hebra  Mountain range itself. It was a grand contrast against Link's head, which hung lowly.

Tulin continued to zoom around, strumming his bow and releasing arrows in such a fury that they sounded as though they were detonating like missiles.

There's no way we can win.

Winning was a trivial matter to you after seeing the frustration and sadness that kept streaking across Link's features. Teba continued to hold him captive in a diatribe. Link finally made his way back toward you, his brows pulled together in irritation.

"Now then." Teba turned toward you. "Are you ready, mighty soldier?"

You gulped. You wanted to say no. You wanted to tell him he was being absurd. Humans couldn't possibly win an aerial challenge against creatures with actual wings. But then you saw Link silently moping beside you, and your heart wanted vengeance against Teba for antagonizing him.

You raised your chin with pride. "Yes. Let's do this."

"Very good. Tulin!" Teba squawked with a harsh command, "Let's get into position!"

Tulin swept down, his talons scraping beneath the parched soil of the mountain. "F I N A L L Y! I suppose we should let the Hylians equip their wings first?" The way he emphasized 'wings' made him squint his eyes with such mirth, as if he were telling himself the funniest joke.

Ugh, even if he's a winged warrior that's about to destroy me, he's still too precious.

Link's eyes beheld the paraglider beneath the sliver of sun that managed to escape the murky clouds. He studied it momentarily as if he were looking at a rupee to make sure it wasn't counterfeit. Once it met with Link's safety standards, which, from your point of view, weren't that high, he pulled out a tangled web of ropes.

"What are those?" You tried to hide the alarm that was rising in your voice.

Link threaded his fingers through the knots, beginning to untangle them. "It's a harness. It'll keep you secure against my body while I pilot the paraglider." Link must have sensed your unease from your demeanor. You were biting the corner of your bottom lip so hard; you were surprised you didn't draw blood.

"Y/N, Have faith in me. Have faith in us." His eyes held onto yours for a moment that lingered too long for Teba's liking.

"Ahem." Teba walked over toward you both. "Are you going to strap her on, or would you prefer she whirl through the air with one arm like a dangling chimpanzee?"

"Give me a moment, please." Link grumbled with contrived politeness. His hands gently held your hips as he turned your backside toward him, slowly coaxing you into his body. You weren't sure if you heard a small gasp or if you wanted to hear one. You were talking to ghosts in your dreams; it wouldn't be beyond you to hear voices at this point. He took the rope and wrapped it around your waist, then clipped the hooks securely onto a rope around his own waist. He passed you two small ropes from behind. "These are to be weaved in between your legs and beneath your buttocks. Think of it almost like a support swing."

You grabbed the ropes and pulled them in between your legs and buckled them on the upper thigh of each leg, making sure the "swing" part was secure beneath your behind.

"Link, please tell me I'm not swinging in the air."

His voice was slightly strained. "Not at all, because there is one more rope."

"Oh good." You waited for a moment before you realized Link was completely silent behind you.


"Y/N, Um, I need to tie it around your chest."

Your cheeks bloomed like roses at the advent of spring.

"Do what you have to do to make sure we are both safe." You hoped your voice sounded nonchalant enough that it hid the pulsating music of your heart. You held your breath as Link's hands reached across you, cautious as though your body were a string of pearls about to snap.

He had you wrapped around his fingers and goddesses how you wished he would snap you and all of your pent-up sexual frustration out.

His hands grazed across the front of your breasts, the sensation forcing you upright.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

Something told you he wasn't.

Link felt each buckle on your body, making sure it was latched nice and tight. You wanted to savor the feeling of being knotted together with Link. But you could only enjoy a nibble of the experience thanks to Teba and his watchful eyes.

"Well? We haven't got all day; isn't there a Blood Moon falling onto earth?"

You grunted. "Link, we may not win, but I'm not going down without kicking some ass." You could hear him chuckle from behind you. "He's right, we haven't got all day, but I'd be amiss if I didn't mention that I wish we did have all day."

"Link!" A wave of heat splashed onto your face, only for a gust of stale air to cool it down. Tulin arose before you both, flapping in excitement.

"Alright!" Tulin cheered. "Let's have some fun!" He and Teba swooped off the precipice of the mountain while Link moved into an awkward jog. You met the edge of the mountain with a pause.

You both stared at the currents of air that sprung forth from the ground miles below. Your confidence was enforced by the strength of the mighty currents that could quite possibly blow you away back to Akkala.

You noticed that you and Link had jogged toward the ledge out of rhythm. "Am I heavy?"

"No... the only thing heavy are my feelings for you."


Freefalling from the top of Hebra Mountain wasn't as scary as the way you had fallen for Link.


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