I Missed This Man

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I missed writing about Link and from his perspective

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I missed writing about Link and from his perspective.

Of course, he's back and of course the world is ending, and, of course, he has to be the one to save it.


But hey, Mr.Twink daddy help us out and you can go nappy nap, ok?


Btw- the circumference of the moon is 6,783 miles. And if it did indeed come too close to earth the result would be a natural apocalypse of volcanic eruption, earthquakes and total devastation due to its gravitational pull.

Oh and screeching sound waves that would literally cause us all to go deaf.

I don't make the rules NASA does but I'm glad I could bring this local doomsday broadcast to y'all.

It was brought to you by google and a this lovely resource I used to write the previous chapter.


Now that's if the moon was close to earth- if it crashed we'd all just perish.

Happy Tuesday 😊😁

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