Ch.28 The Women Who Came Before Act:2

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Repossess the Ocarina of Time

!Link                                                     Hyrule Castle

The time has arrived.

The Ocarina of Time sits in wait for the lips of the hero to control it with a mere melody once more.

And those lips- those lips- were my own.

I will float backward in time and hopefully intercept Kilton stealing the mask, marking the need to fall back on the divine beasts as unwarranted. The grand question is, however; just how far back will I drift?

Under the tenebrous basement of the castle, it beckons forth whomever lays their gaze upon it. I wish 'whomever' could be anyone else, for the only place I wish to rest my lips are back on their rightful dwelling.



Your eyes were ripped open by an astounding pain radiating from your ankle. You shot up, gritting your teeth as the pain made itself a more known presence now that you were fully conscious. You looked over your shoulder; only this time, you were greeted by the pair of blue eyes you were hoping to see.

"Y/N." Link was propped up on one elbow, laying on his side. You opened your mouth to greet him, but the severity of the pain in your ankle rendered you unable to locate words. Tears began to swell in your eyes.

Link slid up from beneath the thin fabric you were both bundled under. "Your ankle?" You nodded; this time, the words you sought spilled out without thought.

"Link, it hurts. It hurts so much."

Empathy oozed from his weary eyes. "You were shot by that arrow. Teba thinks it ruptured through your bone. You're going to need a medic as soon as possible. But for now..." Link got up and walked over to Epona, retrieving a small satchel from her saddlebag. You remained hunched over in pain, listening to the cries of the wind.

The gravely earth beneath your bum told you that Link had camped you both out in another cave. Or was this part of Rito Village? You wiggled around, your body sore from sleeping on the immovable earth beneath it.

If this was the extent of Rito hospitality, you didn't intend on a return visit anytime soon.

"Here." He yanked a small vile out of the satchel. It was a subtle shade of hibiscus, not looking much different than an herbal tea Jerrin would have brewed for you. He gave it a small swirl, causing the sediments twirling in it to fall to the bottom. Link pulled the fabric off of you, kneeling by your feet. He elevated your ankle onto his lap. He poked at it with such caution, as if he were observing an animal's carcass with a stick.

"Y/N, go ahead and take that elixir. It will help dull the pain. And please let me know if I hurt you in any way. I have some balm that might help at least temporarily soothe it."

In one swig, your head shot back, and you drank the elixir. The taste caught you off guard. Your face scrunched as if you had accidentally ingested sour tamarind pulp. But the pain, the pain was unbearable. You almost preferred being dragged through the sand from your hair by a Bokoblin on horseback.

You stared at the empty vile in disgust. Link gave you an amused curl of his lips.

"Yuck! Link, what was in that?"

"Must you know? Wouldn't you rather not be in pain?"

You plopped backward onto your jacket, which Link had folded to mimic a pillow. The feeling of something sticky being rubbed on your ankle made you close your eyes in relaxation. Its pervasive, minty scent infiltrated your nostrils. Link's fingers worked in small, rhythmic circles.

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