Ch.10 Porgy, Purah and Panic

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Connect with Purah

!Link Hateno Village

The ride to Hateno was nothing short of splendid.

With Hylia blessing us with remarkably clear skies and mild weather, we reached Hateno by nightfall.

I've taken many tours from Akkala to Hateno with Zelda. Yet it never passed by with such astonishing speed as it did with Y/N. I filled her in on my research in the castle's library. I also told her of Zelda's reaction over the missing mask.

Y/N did comply with her own research on Termina, but I can't help but suspect that she is not telling me everything. There is still a sense of restraint on her behalf when she speaks with me.

I can respect this, I if anyone knows that trust is earned and not given.

The first step in our mission is to see if Purah can somehow install the Shiekah Slate system to scope the mask. Truthfully, I do not know if this is possible, but I have no other leads on how to venture towards its whereabouts.

Since we are near my home, we can spend the night.

But with both of us under the same roof, who can sleep?

I, for one, certainly won't be able to. I haven't been sleeping much since she's entered my life, anyway.

For the first time since I've awoken from my cryonic slumber, I find myself wanting to be awake.

Wanting to be alive.


"Oh, oh, Link, hold on! I see another one!"

You ripped your Shiekah Slate from your pocket for the umpteenth time this trip. Link brought Epona to a slow halt before you. You could see the outline of his frown from up ahead.

He relinquished a sigh. "Y/N, it doesn't gladden me to hold you back from your passion, but" Link pointed to the guardian remains you were eagerly snapping pictures of. "You shouldn't feel obligated to work when there are more pressing matters."

You looked at Link from above your Shiekah Slate. "You're right. Forgive me. It's just that there are so many guardian parts here. Jerrin and Robbie would positively lose their minds."

Link nodded in response, not saying anything. For a moment, a complexity you couldn't name seemed to reflect itself back at you. A reflection of remorse dashed with guilt. Which was silly; he hadn't forced you to accompany him.

The queen had.

You commanded Reisz to catch up to Link and Epona. The frown still sprawled out amongst his soft jawline. You wanted to erase it from his face. You tried to think of something that would make him smile the way he had at the coronation ball.

It seems you didn't have to think for too long. A gut-curdling rumble erupted from your belly. Link glanced down at your stomach and then back upward at your face. The corners of his lips were helplessly tugged into a slight grin. "Y/N, are you hungry?"

Your face was spackled with a rash of red. A small rattle disguised as a chuckle left Link's mouth.

When Zelda smiled, the kingdom smiled with her. You couldn't help but wonder, when Link smiled, did she smile with him? Did anyone?

Because Link's smile was just as powerful as his silence. Yet he was noted for the latter.

You and Link continued to meander along the outskirts of a pond. The sound of a faint splash caught Link's attention. He jumped off of Epona, eyeing the source of the splash.

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