Ch.43 The Man Behind the Masks

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Uncovering the real Protagonist

!Zelda                                               Hyrule Castle

Y/N's question was a load that sat heavily in my chest. The weight it held and the conviction in her voice were too much for me in that moment.

I have never had someone shatter my composure before.

The only person who ever saw through my deepest insecurities was Link.

I have focused so heavily on Y/N's connection to Link in the past that I suppose it is time I think about our connection.

Did I have one with Y/N? What was it about her that she could so easily rattle my emotions?

What was it about her that she could easily penetrate into the thickest parts of Link when I've tried for over a century?

Well, these are questions to ponder another time.

In the tale of Majora, neither Link, Y/N, nor myself are protagonists.

A more important individual comes to mind.

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️    1454 B.F.E Before Flood Era

Zelda wasn't fond of him.

The young princess sauntered along Castle Town's spirited streets, her hand linked tightly with that of her guardian, Impa. She couldn't seem to keep her large blue eyes away from the cheery facade of the storefront.

A giant mask, its mouth wide, agape in such a way that it would swallow any customer who entered. The expression of the mask that represented the storefront was much like that of its owner, the Happy Maskman. Or so he was dubbed.

No one knew his real name, nor where he hailed from, for that matter.

The Happy Maskman was as much an enigma as the business he conducted.

But Zelda, young in earthly years yet wise in lifetimes, knew there was nothing happy about this man, no matter what his moniker indicated.

As she walked the streets of Castle Town, ice cream dripping down her fingers from the cone she held, she would stop and see the Happy Maskman through the window storefront. His violet tunic sparkled beneath the stained-glass windowpanes that dotted the top of his shop.

No amount of light that filtered in could cover the darkness Zelda sensed within this man. Much like Ganondorf, whom her father was so insistent on forging an alliance with, much to her dismay.

Yes, Ganondorf was surely the bigger threat. But according to her dreams, which she firmly believed in her young heart were prophetic, there would be a dashing boy in green, demure in his demeanor, from the far-off Kokiri woods. When that young boy arrived, she would tell him all about Ganondorf, and together, with Impa's help, they would formulate a plan to stop him.

But as Zelda stalled, taking a gander in front of the doorway of the Happy Maskman's shop, they locked eyes. He sat in his familiar posture, his hands folded as if in prayer, and his back hunched over. The average outsider would see his stance as inviting and warm.

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