Ch.47 What Motivates Evil

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I've been here before.

As far as my eyes can see, expansive fields of glistening emerald and miles of azure skies with clouds swimming by, it is almost as if the ocean has rotated above, and schools of cotton fish are overlooking me.

As tranquil as this may sound, there is a heaviness.

A disquieting feeling.

And it comes from the one, single tree that is grounded before me.

Beneath it is a small, frail body, knees pointed skyward as they poke into the shriveled form's chest.

With each footstep, the image before me begins to unravel.

The mask of Majora is pointed downward, and it is here that this mask is just that.

And it is here that I am seeing Kilton; his spirit wilted more than the leaves that seemed to scatter and die off around him.

Yes, I've been here before.

It is here that I will learn what truly motivates evil.


"Kilton?" There is an undeniable tremor as he calls his friend's name.

At least, he hopes that he will still be considered a friend. Link realized throughout the manhunt for Kilton that all of the time he spent buying goods from him, he never bothered to learn about him.

He never bothered to inquire more beyond what each mask would do for him.

What could Kilton do for Link? And never what Link could do for him.

Saving Hyrule was much more than fighting monsters. As long as humans were to exist, there would be evils to battle.

Humans were created to be selfish; even a great hero such as himself was not completely without ego or greed. He thought of the primal possession that came over him on Mt. Ploymus. The way he was determined to colonize each fragment of Y/N's flesh beneath his lips.

He was, in fact, just as selfish as the rest. Believing that his one-hundred-year slumber and his valiant deeds for Hyrule meant he was owed anything he wanted.

When, in fact, he was owed nothing.

"Kilton?" Link repeated.

He stood above him, Kilton's face sheathed behind Majora's mask, just as his was sheathed behind that of the deity.

"Don't call me that. I am no longer Kilton. I am a monster." For a moment, the response seemed to come from Majora, but Link could see Kilton's hands making a snapping motion, and he could hear a vulnerability that he knew was distinctly his own.

"I've done terrible things."

"We all have." Link assuaged him. This would be the real battle. He made sure to pay attention and hang on to every word Kilton said.

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