11. Whoops

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I slip into my bathrom and change my clothes quickly

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I slip into my bathrom and change my clothes quickly. "Ta-da." I smile when walking in front of Chrissy's wheelchair.

"Down." Chrissy moves her hand to point to her hair.

I whine a little. "Chrissy." I drag her name out making her laugh.


"Fine, but you owe me for it." I tease her and tickle her sides as I walk back to the bathroom. My sister knows I prefer having my hair up but she will get her way on occasion too where I wear it down. It is just so straight but she would always talk about how she loved my hair and how soft it is as where she got our moms hair that frizzes easily and won't ever straighten out nicely.

"Where are you going?" Mom walks by the bedroom door that I can see through my bathroom mirror since I left it open and Chrissy watching me, having moved her wheelchair.

"I have a date tonight." I smile but my Mom frowns.

"You have a responsibility here too. You know it is Bingo night and I can't miss it. So you have to stay with Chrissy."

"You went last night so you normally don't go on the next night. This isn't fair that you can go out and do whatever you may wish to do but I am stuck here all the time unless it is for work or an errand you want."

"Well you know your father works and after all you were the one behind the wheel the night the accident happened as your sister was to young to drive yet." Mom throws back at me and I almost loose my balance from the venom in her voice towards me like she has had for years now when it comes to this topic.

"Dad." Chrissy whispers looking to me.

I nod and Mom leaves, I call our Dad and he huffs over the line but then I hear when he calls Moms phone and she screams for me to just go then.

A few minutes later the door bell rings and Chrissy is already making her way out to the living room again, so I rush for the door before Mom can get to it.

I open the door and there stands Nicolas.

"Hi." I smile softly at him as will my racing heart to settle down.

"Good Evening." Nicolas smiles then hands over a small bundle of flowers. "These are for you."

"Thank you they are beautiful." I smell the white tulips and smile wide. "Would you like to step inside for a moment while I go put these in some water? That way you don't freeze."

Praying goes through me that my Mother can be nice for a couple seconds. It is like I can feel her eyes boring holes through the back of me right now as it stands.

"Sure." Nicolas smiles and steps in when I move out of the way.

"Chrissy, this is Nicolas. Nicolas this is my sister Chrissy." I smile and watch as my sister not so subtle looks him up and down.

"Handsome." Chrissy smirks in her own way that always makes it hard to not laugh.

A cough and a throat being cleared makes me look at my Mother that has her eyes narrowed at me because I didn't do her introduction.

"Uh, Nicolas this is my Mother, Laurie." I wave to her and Nicolas then looks over and nods his head saying nice to meet her the same he had done to my sister. "My Dad is out at work currently with the shifts he has been picking up."

"Maybe another time I can meet him." Nicolas smiles gently again.

"One second let me get these put in water and then we can be on our way."

"No rush." He nods at me.

I make my way to the kitchen and hunt down a vase. It is harder than I thought it would have been.

"So you're the first man Natalie has had over." I hear my Mothers voice.

"I offered to pick her up for our date." Nicolas answers ever so kindly.

"Sweet." I hear Chrissy and I could laugh.

Finally finding a vase, I put some water in it and then place the flowers inside it.

"Well, I guess manners aren't dead after all. Chrissy go back to watching your show, I will find you something for dinner since your sister has bailed on you tonight." Mother huffs with attitude rolling off her in waves.

"I didn't bail and I really deserve a night out. It wasn't my fault what happened and even Chrissy wants me to go. You got to go out last night and I will not be held guilty any longer, it is my life and I want to start living it." I say lowly behind my Mother to where she could hear and I hope it wasn't loud enough that Nicolas heard.

Mother moves out of the way and glares at me the entire time.

"Would you like to come with us Chrissy? I wouldn't mind that way nothing has to ruin anyones plans." Nicolas asks with an edge to his voice I never heard before.

Whoops bet he heard me.

"Stay." Chrissy smiles and then moves to the television.

I walk over and kiss her cheek. "Call me and let it ring if you need me okay? I will know to come straight home."

"Kay." Chrissy smiles.

Nicolas holds his elbow out and I take it as he leads me outside once I grab my purse and coat.

He guides me to his car and holds the door open for me before rounding it to get in himself. "I am glad you agreed to this and I hope I wasn't out of line in there."

"You weren't at all. I really needed it tonight just to stand up for myself and I honestly knew in the back of my mind that Mother would say something and she does still blame me." I sigh. "I am sorry, you really shouldn't have to deal with the entire family drama and run you off before we even start the date. I can get back out if you stop the car now." I ramble embrassed.

"Not in the least will I stop the car for you to get out is because you change your mind on this date? I meant what I said too I will never mind for your sister to come along either."

I swoon over every single word out of his mouth. "No I haven't changed my mind, because I am very interested in you. It is the sweetest you thinking of my sister and I know she will appreciate that too but I need some time alone with you first see where we can go or if this just has to be a friends only thing. I mean you may like sardines on your pizza and I am sorry kind sir but that would be a relationship breaker for me."

Nicolas laughs hard and I join him.

"Well rest assured I don't put those on my pizza but I do eat pineapple on pizza."

"Oh my God, no way! I thought I was a freak for eating it on pizza for the longest." I laugh so hard as we stop at a red light. "So where are we going?"

"You will see." Nicolas smirks when I send him a playful glare.

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