Chapter 62

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A cold breeze hits her face as she stood in a balcony resting a hand on her stomach. She closed her eyes as recalls the best with love her life. A tear escaped down her eyes as she recalls those moments with him.

Opening her eyes, she wipes the tears off and turning her head around smiles looking at swetha who walks inside holding a glass of juice and different types of fruits chopped in a bowl.

Passing a soft smile to swetha gesture her to come. Swetha stepping in a balcony placed the fruit bowl on the coffee table and walks towards Avni handed the glass of juice to her.

Avni made her face seeing the juice and looks at swetha who glares her.

Avni : mom.. I can't have this.

Swetha : I won't listen to you. Come on drink it now.
You also need to finish whole bowl of fruits.

Avni freaks out glancing the fruit bowl and looks at swetha who stood there watching her to finish the juice.

She took a deep breath and pinching bridge of her nose she gulps it down. Finishing it up she looks at swetha who gave impressing look.

She placed the glass on the table.

Swetha : now take a seat and finish the fruits.

Avni : mom. My stomach is full. I can't have it more.
I just had my breakfast an hour ago.

Swetha : an hour ago, it's been long. You need to be health and eat well for yourself and the baby.

Avni felt like crying on her fate. No lies she loves her family to core but since the day they found out about her pregnancy they have been feeding more than needed. She eats three people meals every single day.

Her stomach has definitely got bigger as she in her 5 months of her pregnancy. Her family have looked after so well. They have never left a chance to pamper. She felt blessed having such beautiful and loving family. They let her miss Neil.

They took care of care so well. She hardly remembers how months of her pregnancy passed. Truly she was blessed having them.

Her whole pregnancy was bliss but was incomplete without him being beside her in every steps. Her heart shatters knowing he wasn't there to witness to bliss the moments of their lives. He missed so much in these months.

Her thoughts were broken by swetha who gently grabs her arm and made her sit and sat herself down beside her.

Swetha : you can at least some. I won't force you to finish it all.

Nodding her head softly she ate some fruits while talking to swetha.

Swetha : do you want to go for a walk?

Avni : for a walk? Why all of sudden? I mean you guys wouldn't let me go out then? How you agreed today?

Swetha : it's very pretty weather outside. We should go out.

Avni : i wouldn't mind though. Can I go and quickly change.

Swetha : yes you can! I will wait for you downstairs.

Avni nodded her head and went to change while swetha grabs the bowl and glass walking out of the room.

Coming out of the washroom and grabbing her phone she walks out of the room and found Bebe and swetha sitting in living hall and chatting.

Bebe : are you both going out?

Swetha : yes Bebe! To park. We will be back soon.

Avni : Bebe do you join us?

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