Chapter 34

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Slouching herself down the couch, she grabbed the water and gulps it down. She kept the glass down and leaned back on the couch.

She turns her head around feeling a pair of lips on her forehead. Her smiles wider as she noticed Neil standing behind her with a smile playing on his lips.

Avni : when did you come?

She was surprised seeing him in her mansion at this time.

Neil : I can while ago. I was with Manik. How was your dance practice.

Avni: tiring! My body hurts.

Neil : oh love! Shall I help you?

Avni : I would feel better if I shower up and rest.

Neil : that would be better. Come.

He comes to front and encircling his arms around her waist lifts her up from the couch and starts walking up the stairs.

He kicks the door and enters inside. He drops her on bed and stood opposite her smiling to her.

Neil : while you rest for little longer, I will get the bathtub ready for you. Give me few minutes.

He didn't let her finish and rushed inside the washroom leaving Avni overwhelmed seeing his love and care.

She smiles and gets up moving to Washroom witnessing her man preparing bathtub for her.

She stood there and adores him. Neil turns around and smile moving towards her.

Neil cups her face and looks into her eyes lovingly.

Neil: relax! I will see you later in the evening.

Avni: no! Don't go. Stay little longer. I won't be you long. Please

Neil nodding his head and kissing her forehead closed the washroom door once she was inside and moves back to bed.

He took his shoes and laid on bed and taking his phone out scrolled down.

He kept his phone down feeling bored and closed his eyes.

His eyes flicks opens as he heard some noises in the background, he opens his eyes and fell on the girl who was stole his heart since their first meeting.

His lips curved into a thin smile and getting up moves towards her.

He back hugs her resting his head on her shoulder. She glanced him and smiles.

Avni: did I wake you up?

Neil :no! You didn't love. I just got up. You feeling so fresh.

Avni smiles hearing him.

Neil : I should leave. Mom would be waiting for me. We will meet during mendhi function.

Avni: I don't wanna let you go but I stop you either. Come back soon. I will miss you.

Neil : I will miss you so much. I will see you soon.

He drops a kiss on her side cheek and went out of the room whereas Avni shook her head and quickly got ready.

Hustles began from the afternoon, malthora mansion was decorated. In the night would Avni's mendhi function.

Manik and Ashish made sure all the arrangements were done. Nandini and Neela looked at the remaining arrangements.

Neela walks inside the room and saw Avni taking a napZ

Neela : bacha! Wake up.

Avni opens her eyes and snuggles into Neela lap feeling warmth of her mother. Neela smiles and caressed her hair.

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