Chapter 58

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His body stiffened as he stood front of his room. His heart wasn't ready to face his wife who has locked herself in the room since he revealed the news of him returning back to military.

He could hear faint sobs from other side. He knocked on the door and sighs when he didn't get any response.

He leans his body against the door and softly calls her name out.

Neil : love. Please open the door. Please open it. I know you can listen to me. Please open it.

His own voice crackled up. His tears starts building up. He felt his heart drenching with pain. His whole existence and heart shattered as he heard her whimpering inside the room.

Neil : love. Please stop crying. Open the door.

He banged the door softly not scarring her either way. He stops banging when he felt her presence getting close to the door. His heart calmed as the door got unlocked.

He gently pushed the door and enters only to get shattered seeing how she was crouched by bed with her head rested on her lap and tightly hugging herself.

He closed the door behind him and with small steps he starts walking towards her.

He crouched down on his knee and placed his hand on her head calling her softly.

Neil : love.

His voice choked up as he spoke. His heart bleeds seeing her this condition. Her head tilts up starting into hie eyes.

He wipes the tears with his thumb and kissed het forehead. He then cups her face wiping the tears that rolled down.

Neil : please don't cry.. it's difficult for me to hold my own tears. I can't see you like this. Love, we had discussed over this. We just didn't expected this this soon. Love, if you keep crying then how will leave I knowing your condition. Please for me stop crying.

Her tears won't stop flowing, her eyes glaze with tears as he stares into her eyes with so much love. Her heart wasn't ready for their separation. Her heart broke every seconds she thinks living without him.

He pulls her in a hug and drops kisses on her hair. He rubs her back gently. His hands gripped around her waist.

She tightens the hug and cried hugging him so tightly. His warmth and his were peace and comfort to her. She was going to miss him so badly.

Neil didn't broke the hug and tightness the hug and kissed her hair softly. His ears touching her ears as he whispered sweets words to her.

Holding her in his arms, he gradually stood up and laid on bed pulling her in his arms. He tilts her head side away looking at her face. He wipes the tears kissing both of the cheeks.

He shook his head removing the hair from her face that were blocking his view. He gazed at her trying to convey his own feelings and thoughts through his eyes.

Neil sighs and trails out his thoughts that were killing him inside.

Neil : love! I know it will be hardest phase coming towards over lives. Before marrying you, you already knew how my life is and was going to be like. I have no control in this love. All I control is my emotions love. I can't let my emotions fail me love. I can't fall weak love. I have duties and responsibilities made to our country and the people who depends on us. I know love, it will not be difficult journey but I also know we will fight through this. You need to be strong love and be strength of mine not weakness. I know my wife isn't weak. I know you love. You're the strongest and bravest person I ever met. Love. I need your support with me. I can fight whole world when you're with me.

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