Chapter 48

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He checked the final arrangements and walks back inside the room, his eyes fell on his wife who was getting ready.

He went behind her and encircles his arms around her waist and dipping his face on her shoulder.

Neil : how long will take it love?

She tilts her head up and looks at him with a smile.

Avni : almost done Neil..

Neil nodded his head and staying in the same position watched her getting ready.

As she was done, removes his hand letting her stand up. He again encircles his one hand around her waist and pecks her head.

Neil : close your eyes and follow my steps.

Nodding her head she closed her eyes trusting him with all her heart, he smiles and palmed her eyes with his palm and took her outside of the room.

Neil: I will remove my palms, love you will open your eyes slowly.

She bobbed her head understand him. As he removes his palms, she slowly opens her eyes and was stunned seeing the decorations like a dinner night.

Her eyes glints up with fresh tears but she shook her tears away and turning around crashed into his arms.

He smiles and engulfing her in a tight hug, he pecks back of her head breaking the hug.

He cups her face.

Neil : do you like it love?

Avni : this is amazing Neil. I love it. Thank you so much Neil. I love you so much.

Neil : I love you too love.

He confessed kissing her cheek..

He gestures her to take a seat as he pulled the chair like a true gentleman man. His gestures melted her heart, she smiles sitting down.

Neil also took a seat and opening a mine bottle fills the two glass. He passed one glass to Avni and taking his own glass took a sip.

They both were stealing glance of each other as they sipped their drinks silently.

Breeze touching their faces, she removes her hair as it fallen on her face.

He then serves the plate for themselves. Her heart overwhelms seeing his sweet gestures.

Neil wiping his lips and glancing Avni took his phone out and played a soft romantic music on.

He placed his phone on the table and getting up forward his hand.

Neil : May I have dance with beautiful lady?

Smilingly brightly, she placed her hand in his getting  up.

Avni : I love to have dance with most gentlemen man ever.

He gave her cheekily smile and coming in the middle, he placed his hand around her waist and swayed his body with hers as the music played in the background.

Her arms wrapped his neck and her smile didn't fade away as she danced with her husband.

He gently caressed her cheek and bending down little into her ears and whispers.

Neil : you're the most beautiful girl I ever met. I'm gratitude to lord, he brought us together. I love you damn so much.

He planted a soft kiss and continues dancing smoothly in sync as the music played.

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