Chapter 33

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Neil broke the hug and cupping her face placed a kiss on her head.

Neil: I can't wait to make you mine! You will be mine in a week. My wife! My love! I can't wait to sleep in your arms every night and wake up in your arms every morning.

His smile reflects his love and happiness. His way of showing affection towards her hasn't changed. It always special and unique. She also smiles and hugs him pecking his chest.

Avni: even I can't wait Neil. I love you so much.

Neil smiles and tightens his grip around her waist. He broke the hug as they heard a knock.

He smiles looking at Avni who blushed looking down. He went back in the room and opens the door to see his baby girl smirking.

Nandini : mom is calling to both down. Don't be late.

She ran away immediately before Neil could get hold of her. Neil chuckles and ruffling his hair turns back to see Avni walking towards him.

Avni : what did Bhabhi say?

Neil : mom is calling us down! Let's go!

She nodded her head and starts moving but stopped as she felt him holding her hands. She looks at him.

Neil : what! I have the right to hold your hands.

She shook her head and they both walked down the stairs.

Neil smirks to himself and pinched her waist when they were on the stairs. She winced and gasped at his action. She slapped his hand away and glares him moving away from him and rushed down the stairs making him chuckle at her antics.

His smile faded away seeing Nandini eyes on him. He shook his head and moving near her, pulls her in a hug and whispered.

Neil : baby girl! Don't open your mouth. I don't expose your secret too front of your dearest husband.

Nandini: I won't open my mouth, what will I get? I want something in return.

Neil : are you bribing me? Baby girl, I am your brother.

Nandini : so what! Everything is fair.

Neil rolls his eyes and whispered saying a okay, Nandini grins in a victory and whispered what she wanted making him shock.

He broke the hug and glares Nandini.

Neil : I hate you!

Nandini : but I love you Bhai!

She smiles and escaped away from Neil and sat beside Neela.

Swetha : Neil behave yourself.

Neil rolls his eyes at his mother drama and sat opposite them beside Manik.

Neil: mom! What makes you think I don't behave.

Swetha : be quiet Neil! And what did you guys thoughts about wedding date? Why are you guys happy the dates pandit ji gave ?

Neil looks at Avni who blushed hugging Manik. He smirks and looks at his mother.

Neil : mom! We have decided to get married after a week. I don't want to keep you guys waiting.

Manik : making us wait or you can't wait to become a groom Neil.

Manik teased him seeing his baby doll snugging into his chest controlling her blush.

Neil took a pillow from his side and hits Manik's face.

Neil : I will forget who you are to me. Shut up Manik!

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