Chapter 39

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Suns rays penetrates through the window falling on Avni's face disturbing her sleep, she turns her body another side and snuggles into his chest.

Groaning in sleep, she lifts her head up and switching the alarm up she stares Neil who was still asleep.

She brought her hand and softly ruffles his heir, bending down she kissed his forehead.

Snugging into his chest she admired how gorgeous and handsome he looks when he's asleep.

Glancing on the clock, she eight she gets down the bed and starts walking to washroom.

Wiping her wet hair and wearing a bathrobe she comes out of washroom and found her lugged inside the room.

She smiles and opening the bag, she took essentials out and starts getting ready.

Moving to dressing table, she starts wearing bangles and jewellery not realising her husband is woken up by her jiggles of her bangles..

Neil who woke up hearing her bangles and anklets sound sloped on his elbow and adores his wife.

He was definitely proud and lucky to announce whole around, his wife belongs to him. His lips curves into a smile as he noticed how gorgeous she looks wearing a red saree. His favourite attire on his wife.

Neil in trance gets down bed and starts walking towards her.. he stood behind her and wraps his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder..

He nuzzled his beards on her cheeks making her breath hitch and startled with his presence. She gasped seeing him so close to her.

Avni : Neil...

She whispered softly and butterflies ran through her stomach. Neil smirks and placed a kiss on her shoulder making her fist her saree in fist.

Neil : my beloved wife.. good morning love.

Avni felt her whole badly shaken yet hearing his husky voice. She composed herself and replied his back.

Avni : good morning Neil.. when did you wake up?

Neil : while ago. How can I sleep when my gorgeous wife is getting ready?

He places a another kiss on her shoulder.. he then turns herself around and picking up the vermillion box took a pinch and filled her hairline making her heart flutter.

Neil : I love you so wife. Finally the await is over now. You're my wife.

She smiles at him pushing his hair side.

Avni : go and fresh up..

Neil : no! Let me romance with my wife first. Freshening up can wait up.

Avni : Neil, go and fresh up.

Neil didn't respond back but back hugging her nuzzled his face in her neck..

Neil pecking Avni's head went to washroom leaving Avni alone in the room. She chuckles at his antics and quickly getting ready moves to their closet and taking his attire out placed it on bed.

She tidy the room up and wondered did she marry a man or a child who keeps the room so dirty.

She laughs her out and sitting on bed waits for Neil to come back. Neil ruffling his hair and wrapped in towel comes out and smirks looking at his wife who stares his bare chestZ

He winks at at her and moving to bed starts getting ready, very well aware of his wife intense gaze on him his body. His cheeks heated up but biting his cheeks controlled his blush.

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