Chapter 15

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Avni passed Neil a smile as he walked passed her. Neil also returns the smile before masking with small cough and walking towards his team.

Neil taking his sunglasses out and shoving in his pocket looks at the team who was ready for the new day with new challenge.

Neil clears his throat and shoving one of his hand in his pocket spoke.

Neil : I want you all to divide yourself into groups of 4-5.

Neil instructs then to which they obliged and divides themselves into groups or 4-5 as Neil told them. 

Neil : one person from the group, come forward and grab the equipments for the day.

He said pointing behind where the equipments were kept for the day. One person from each group comes forwards and taking the equipments went back to their work.

Neil : you may have noticed and guessed what's the task for today. But let me clarify you all about the task. You all will be hiking in forest  help of map and compass. Everything is in equipments bag. There is point where you all have to meet up. You won't be doing it alone, one member from my team will be right behind you. You will leading your own team and face any danger or obstacles that comes in your way. Got it?

All of them nodded their head. Neil smiles and announces which member of his team will be going with the team. Avni pouts soon as she heard Neil going with another team. She didn't failed to notice one girl smirks in that group who Neil was tagging behind along.

Avni cursed Neil in her mind and rolls her eyes at the girl who jumps lightly and grins like a fool.

Neil : is everyone ready?

Echos were heard making Neil grin. He looks at his team and nodding his head lead the way with the team which he was going with.

All other team too follows Neil and taking map and compass out took different directions.

Avni's team was right behind Neil. They were following him. Neil turns his head around and looks at them.

Neil: who is leading the team?

He ask one of them. Everyone in that group stops and looks at Neil.  Avni passed a glare to Neil but Neil ignores avni.

Neil : I asked you all something.

Member 1: Neil sir. Avni is leading us. She got the map and compass.

Neil snaps his eyes at avni and mumbles ' expected that'.

Avni : Neil sir,  did you say something?

Neil : avni why are you not paying attention on the map? You can't be following phone group to get to hone final destination. You need to use your map skills and guide your team to the destination. This is not working as a team. I don't want to disqualify you.

Avni : but sir..

Neil : no more further discussion on this. Use the map and go in different directions.

Avni bobs her head and giving a look to Neil took the different direction follows by her own team.

Member 2: avni can we please have break now? I can't walk anyone.

Avni stops and looks at her team members. She knew they all were exhausted from the walk. Avni also sat and nodding her head took something out from bag to eat. She starts munching while talking to her team when someone shouted Neil's name out.

Member 3: look there is Neil sir coming towards us. But why is he coming here?

Avni : how would I know why is he coming toward us? Where is this samrat? Wasn't he supposed to be with us?

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