Chapter 53

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Her eyes welled up as they stood front of Disneyland watching people going in out. Her heart overwhelmed finally standing front of her dream place.

Holding her tears back she glanced at Neil who held her hands giving a gently press comforting her. He then side hugs pecking side of her head.

Blinking her eyes she looks at Neil with a small smile playing on her lips.

Neil : love. I didn't bring you to Paris to cry. Enjoy and live the moment. Come! Let's go and buy tickets.

She nodded her head holding his hand tightly and walks to the entrance. They brought the ticket.

They rushed inside and Neil looks at his wife whose eyes again starts to teary up.

He tightens his hold staring her and gestures her not cry.. holding her tears back she smiled softly at him and looks around Disneyland.

Neil smiles and gestures her to walks to which she follows him admiring Disneyland. Her eyes were widened as she looks around finding everything beautiful and magical.

Tugging Neil with him, she looks at him.

Avni : where we will go first?

Neil : castle.. let's explore castle then we will go on some rides till prade takes place.

She nodded her head and starts walking towards the castle holding his hand. In between they clicked so many pictures especially Neil took his wife solo pictures capturing all the moments on his phone.

They brought cute Minnie house hairband. Avni was loving the whole experience being in Disneyland. She clutched Neil's hand dragging him everyone.

They discovered a lot during the tour, they walked around Disneyland holding hands.

Neil : love... I am going to grab some drinks. Would you like to have some?

Avni : yes! I will come with you. I don't wanna get lost.

Neil chuckles nodded his head , they both went to a face and ordering their drinks made a decision to go on rides.

They got a map and headed towards where the rides were. They got in line and went on rollercoaster.. as they sat down Avni clutched his hand tightly closed her eyes once it's moving.

She screamed her heart out when they on top.. her scream made Neil startled sitting next to her. He chuckles inside pulling her into his arms. He caressed her heir trying to make her feel better.

Neil rubs his ears due to buzzing sound that echoed in his ears because of his wife scream. He shook his head.

Neil: god! How can you scream like that? My ears is bursting. I can still feel your scream screeching in my ears.

She sheepish smiles and cutely apologies.

Neil : you behave like a child sometimes love.

Avni : it's was scary Neil.. I could have died there.

Neil : stop talking rubbish love. There is no such thing could happened.

Avni : I don't like you scolding me.

Neil sighs at her antics and looks at the next ride. It wasn't scary but also looked funny.

Neil: look there love. Would you like to go there?

She follows his gaze and looking back at him smiles. He held her hand and took her to the ride. They got in the line and waits for the next around. Neil brought the tickets.

They got sat beside each other and held it tightly as its starts going slower then faster.. they both laughed and screamed as it went faster and faster.

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