Chapter 51

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Gazing through the window, she couldn't hold her excitement seeing the city of love. Her dream visiting Paris with love of her life has finally fulfilled by her dearest husband.

Plopping her hand against the seat and with other one holding onto Neil was engrossed taking photos of the view. Shutting the phone, she turns back only to get shocked seeing Neil staring her so intently.

Her heart just melted the way he looks at her. Composing herself she leans back on her seat and putting her head on his shoulder snuggles side hugging him.

She entwines their hands and glanced looking  at him with soft smile playing on her lips.

Avni: I love you so much Neil.

He smiles at her confession and pecks her forehead.

Neil : I love you too. Love!

He caressed her gently then pecking her forehead once again.

Grabbing the luggage and after checking they come out of airport and inhales the air closing their eyes.

Neil opens his eyes and taking his phone out calls his friend who stays in Paris and would be lending them his car to use while they are in pairs.

Neil ended the call and holding Avni's hand walks other side of airport and waits for his friend arrival.

He waves seeing his friend smiles brightly. He pulls him in a hug.

Neil: how are you Shurya? It's been so long we have met.

Shurya smiles breaking the hug and returns the smile.

Shurya: absolutely it's been long. I'm doing great. How are you? How is marriage life treating you? By the way where is Bhabhi?

Neil chuckles side hugging his wife in his arms.

Neil : meet my wife mrs Avni Neil khanna.. and love this is my friend school friend Shurya.

Avni smiles and shook her hand with him.

Avni : nice to meet you Shurya.

Shurya : likewise Bhabhi. I must say he picked the best. You're so beautiful. No offence Neil, Bhabhi what did you see in him? Didn't you thought twice marrying my friend?

Neil punched his stomach pulling his wife in embrace and glaring his friend.

Neil :you better think before you speak Shurya.

Shurya chuckles and nods his head silently.

Shurya : everyone is impatiently waiting for you both to come home.

Neil : how come I wasn't aware of this plan?

Shurya sheepish smiles at Neil.

Shurya : I wasn't able to stop myself and blurted your arrival in Paris. Everyone is excited to meet you and Bhabhi. Please come home then I will drop you both to hotel.

Neil looks at his wife who gestures through her eyes making him smile. He looks back at hie friend nodding his head.

Neil helping Shurya keeping the luggage in the car boot opens the door for his wife who smiles and sat down. He closed the door and went his side.

He looks at Shurya who starts the engine and drove to his house.

Shurya turns the radio on playing so Indian music.

Shurya : Neil you didn't answer my question earlier. How is marriage life treating you?

Neil  smiles turning back looking at his wife who was gazing outside of the window adoring the Paris beauty.

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