Chapter 56

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Grabbing his hand in hers, she glanced looking at him who was on the call and also dragging their luggage outside of the airport.

They were finally returned from their honeymoon to India. Her eyes teary up and felt her heart pounding as she walks out of the airport inhaling the fresh air.

Holding up her tears, she looks beside her Neil ending the call and waving front. She follows his gaze and found Prakash walking towards them with a smile.

Her eyes smiles widen as she hugs Prakash and sobbed lightly. He caressed her back and broke the hug. He kissed her forehead and smiles.

Prakash : how are you? Did you enjoy it? I hope he  didn't trouble you.

Neil rolls his eyes at his father remarks and looks at his wife who laughs shaking her head off.

Avni : no dad! He didn't. I missed you guys so much.

Prakash: we missed you two a lot. It felt so empty not having you both at home. I'm so happy you both come back home safely.

She broke the hug and smiles.

Neil : dad, how can you forget? I am also your son. You're only greeting your daughter. This isn't fair.

They booth chuckled looking at Neil who faked being upset and stares them.

Prakash shook his head and moves to Neil hugging him.

Prakash: how can I forget my son? How are you?

Neil smiles breaking the hug.

Neil: I'm fine dad. How are you?

Prakash : feeling much better seeing you both back.

Neil smiles and they starts walking towards the car where Prakash opened the boot and kept the luggage inside and shutting down moves sitting on the driver seat.

Neil took passenger seat while Avni sat at the back resting her foot on the seat. She got comfortable leaning her head on the seat and and starts talking to Prakash as he drove to khanna mansion.

Neil quietly listened his wife talks. He took his phone out and scrolled down being very keen to listen to his wife talks. He didn't miss a single words that slipped off her lips.

He felt satisfaction when he heard how much she loved the two weeks being with him. All he wanted was her happiness. He would have done anything to make her happy.

He shook his head and got busy scrolling down his phone.

Arriving at khanna mansion, Neil helped Prakash taking the luggage inside. They stood at the door and rang the door bell.

His eyes welled up seeing his mother when she opens the door. He let goes the bag and hugs her tightly pecking back of her head.

Neil : I missed you so much mom.

Swetha rubs his back and broke the hug and cupping his face, kissed his forehead.

Swetha : I missed you too Neil. How is my boy? I'm so happy seeing you home. I really missed you.

Even her eyes filled with tears. They definitely missed their children. The house felt so empty and lonely.

Her eyes fell on Avni, she moves to her pulling her in a hug.

Swetha : how are you? Did you have a safe trip?

Swetha breaking the hug kissed her forehead and smiles looking at Avni.

Abhi : I'm good mom. How are you? Trip was unforgettable. I really loved it but I missed you a lot so much.

Swetha smiles and holding her hand drags inside the house followed the men's who brought the luggage inside and placed it on side.

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