Chapter 26

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Ending the call, he looks up and saw his family waiting for him to answer. Neil sighs and keeping his phone side looks at his family.

Neil : I have to return back to work by tomorrow morning.

Everyone got shocked but also nodded their nodded head knowing Neil had to return back to duty now or later.

Swetha gets up to bring some snacks to make some atmosphere happy instead of making it sad.

Neil sadly sighs and looks at Bebe and Prakash who didn't look happy but couldn't voice it out either.

Neil : Bebe, dad please don't be sad. You knew it I had to return back to duty. I wouldn't have come to Nandini's wedding if Manik didn't requested commander sir. Please don't be sad!

Prakash: how can we not be sad Neil? It's heartbreaking seeing you leave and never know when you will return back. I can't be strong now.

Neil sighs and getting up from his seat moves to Prakash hugging him.

Neil : dad! You're the strongest person I have ever come crossed with. I need all of your support. If you guys defeat and give up then how will I survive. I can sacrifice my life for the county but if you guys are not happy then what kind of person I am. Don't make feel helpless. Even I don't like it leaving you all but this is what I choice. This is my life and I am ready to fight.

Prakash proudly pats Neil's head and broke the hug. Neil then also hugs Bebe who kissed his head and ruffles his hair making Neil smile.

Swetha standing by the door wipes her tears off and coming to living hall kept the tray on the coffee table.

Neil looks at his mother who was hid her pains behind the smile. Neil gets up and back hugs planting a kiss on her cheek.

Neil : you won't complain?

Swetha : I can't even complain because I know my son is the bravest soldier. I am proud of you. I am blessed to have a son like you.

Neil smiles brightly and keeping her head on her lap picks a fries and ate.

Swetha smiles and ruffles his hair as she looked down smirkingly thinking about few conversations she had with few relatives during manan wedding.

Swetha : Neil, I was wondering something.

Neil : yes mom!

He replied munching fries not caring about his mother smirk.

Swetha : you know during Nandini's wedding few of my friends came to me with proposal for their Daughter.

Neil's eyes widen and the fries dropped from his hands. A laugher echoed in the room as everyone start laughing hearing swetha except Neil for took few minutes to register what his mother said.

Neil sat up and looks at his mother.

Neil : what was your answer? Did you accept them?

Swetha : I didn't accept every proposal but one of the proposals made me think. My friend daughter is beautiful and she very independent girl. I really liked her. You will also love her. If you say yes then I can inform them.

Neil's eyes widen hearing his mother. He couldn't believe it, his mother was setting him up with other girl when she clears know what he feels about Avni's

He wondered what has happened with his mother.

Neil : mom! What are you saying? I don't want to marry your friend daughter. Refuse the proposal.

Swetha : Neil! Don't be impulsive and think about it. Why don't you meet her and decide if she is the one for you.

Prakash : swetha why are you after Neil's marriage?

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