Chapter 52

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Slowly opening her eyes, her gaze fell on her Neil who was asleep hugging him tightly. Letting a yawn escape, she covers her mouth and untangling herself from his grip gets down the bed moving to washroom.

Coming out of washroom with wet hair wrapped in towel and wearing a white bathrobe glanced towards bed finding him still sleep.

Smilingly to herself she moves to balcony and opening the door she stood there against the railing.

Cold breeze touching her body.. she removes the towel from her head freeing her hair.. her hair flew in air as she ruffles drying them off..

Her lips curves into beautiful smile as she stood there watching the view hugging herself.

She didn't turns around but felt his steps getting closer to her. Her breath hitched up when she felt hie in her neck.

He encircles his arms around her waist resting his head on her shoulder and nuzzled her neck after placing a gentle kiss.

He tightens his grip around her waist and pushed the hair strands that were blocking his wife beautiful face sight. He pressed a kiss on side of her head and lowering himself to whispers in his husky and sleep voice.

Neil : you're going to be death of me. Who told you to be so gorgeous in the morning?

He rubs his cheeks against her shoulder making her giggle as it felt tickles due to his beard.

Hearing her soft giggles he deliberately rubs his cheeks against hers making her laugh louder clutching her stomach.

Avni : Neil.. please stop.. I can't hold myself..

He stops immediately hearing her pleading and placed a kiss on her cheek turning her around.

Neil : you smell heaven. Which shampoo did you use?

Avni : I used the new one we brought..

Neil : it's smells good. You had shower? Would you like to join me?

Avni : no! You go and fresh up. I will get your clothes out. We have plans today.

Neil : yes I remember love.. by the way good morning love. First day in Paris.

She smiles and tip toeing cupping his face kissed his forehead.

Avni : good morning Neil.. indeed it's the best day in Paris. I love you.

Neil smiles pecking her lips guarding her off but nevertheless she pulled him for a kiss making him smile as he kissed her with all his love.

Neil broke the kiss and pecking her forehead went back inside the room to fresh up while she tucking a hair behind follows him inside and saw washroom door shut.

Shaking her head off, she moves to their luggage and took best attire out as they will be going to Disneyland.

She placed Neil's clothes on bed and moving to dressing table, she removes the bathrobe and starts getting ready.

Sitting on a  stool she took her make up bag out and placing on the table she starts applying it.

Straightening her hair and clipping behind with pins, she wore a sliver watch on her wrist.

Gathering up the mess and keeping neatly in the drawer she stood up moving to her bed sitting dorm waiting for Neil to come out.

Grabbing her phone she scrolled through remembering Maldives memories.

Her head snaps hearing the door click. She drools over him who walks out of washroom ruffling his way hair just wrapped in a towel. She looked away feeling his gaze on her.

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