Chapter 13

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" sir everyone has arrived. Shall I gather all them up".

A boy spoke staring at his leader who was engrossed in reading files of all the young people who had filled a form out for the training.

He stares his leader who lifts his head up and looks at him, nodding his head.

He then grinning at his leader gestures others boys to follow him.

Announcement made to everyone who had participated in the camp to meet up in 10 minutes.

Everyone gathered up and the leader closing the file comes to the field and glances at everyone who stood in the line. He quickly counted number of people who participated for the camp. He frowned finding one person missing. He looks at his team and gesture one of them to come come.

Man : yes sir!

He : someone is missing. Before he gets here I need that person to be present.

The man's eyes widen as he heard that and nodding his head moved from there.

He then turns back looking at everyone who bowed their head.

He : heads up and listen up for the rules. I would like to say few words before you meet your coach who will be taking this training.

They nodding their head looking at him.

He : my name is vidyut pandit. I am also in army and you see me around the camp.

Vidyut saying his few words looks at his watch and saw the time. He got worried as almost it was his arrival but there was no news about the person who is missing from the camp. He looks at his team who looked worried too.

Vidyut looking at everyone spoke.

Vidyut: I need you all to do two  laps around before he's arrival.

As they who he referring to nodding their head they jog around the field. Some made fuss while others  with smile ran around the field.

Vidyut : why is Vicky taking so long to find out who is missing? If he doesn't get that person before Neil's arrival then we are surely dead.

As he said the last sentence he heard footsteps behind and found Vicky running towards. Vicky pants and looks at vidyut.

Vicky : she didn't turn up. I tried dialling her number but it went unanswered. Neil sir would be arriving any time. I can't face him now. Just tell him Vicky has taken day off because he fell down from the cliff yesterday..

Vicky gave puppy look to his team and tried convincing them but a voice behind him made his eyes and mouth wide open.

" didn't a person who falls off the cliff dies"

He closed his eyes and composing himself turns around.

Vicky passed sheepish smile to Neil who smirks removing his sunglasses.

Vicky : Neil sir. When did you arrived?

Neil : cut the crap Vicky. Tell me why are you avoiding the camp today?

Vicky looks there and there to avoid Neil. Neil have a look to Vicky then looks behind Vicky to see all of his team avoided looking at him like Vicky did.

Neil shoved his hands in his pocket and his sunglasses hanging under his shirt on his chest.

Neil : vidyut what has happened?

Vidyut : Neil one person is missing.

Neil tights his fist and looks at vidyut who was ready for his anger to burst out.

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