Chapter 28

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2 years later!

His friends circling Neil in the middle teased him. Neil awkwardly stood in the middle, he tried his best to escape from there but his stupids friends didn't let him.

They blocked his way to escape and continues teasing him about his love. Not a single passed day where he didn't miss or remembered her in his prayer.

Vicky : our caption will get married soon. Cheers.

Neil shot a glare at Vicky who shrugs his shoulder and pouring a glass drank it. Everyone giggles and continues to tease Neil till they heard vidyut voice.

Neil sighs thankfully hoping vidyut wouod save him all the teasing but his hope died as vidyut joined in the teasing game.

Vidyut : why are you all teasing my boy?

Sanjay : don't spoil the fun vidyut. I can't believe it our captain is flustering hearing his girlfriend name.

Vidyut laughs out looking at Neil's flustering face who stood in middle controlling his blush.

Vidyut : oh is that so! Then how can I spoil it? Even I want to see what magical has she done on our Neil. Neil what did she do to you? But didn't someone he won't fall in love with or never get close to any girl? What happened now? Is it same the person standing between us flustering?

Vidyut continues teasing Neil with others making Neil having hard times with them.

Neil shook his head and composing himself passed a deathly glare to them and ducking down comes out of the circle.

Neil: what is wrong with you? Why are you enjoying on my cost? We were supposed to celebrate our victory not making the victim.

Vicky puts his arm on Neil's shoulder.

Vicky : who said that? We are not making yet victim.

Neil rolls his eyes and removing Vicky arm from his shoulder glares him.

Neil : keep a distance Vicky. I don't like it.

Sanjay : oh yes! He won't like anyone touching him because not everyone is his girlfriend.

Neil : shut up Sanjay!

Sanjay grins and giggles joined by others.

Neil shaking his head went to his dorm. He ignoring the voices from outside took the small bags of which and packed his clothes.

He was returning back home after two years later, he hasn't contact his family nor his girlfriend. He badly missed then but knowing his mission was the first priority he didn't talk to them.

Neil packs his clothes and taking the bag walks out of the dorm. He found all of them with their luggage too.

Neil smiles at them and his way towards them.

Neil : are you guys ready?

All of them nodded their head and putting their luggage in a jeep, they sat down and Neil taking the passenger seat looks at driver who drove the jeep once everyone got inside.

Neil unblocks his phone and glanced at his wallpaper, the wallpaper was from manan marriage of them. In that picture it looked Neil was back hugging Avni with his hand resting on her waist, him whispering something into her ear that made her laugh out so loud.

A smile adores on his lips as he recalled the memories of them. He caressed the photo and shutting the phone down looks outside of the window.

Neil dropping the rest told the driver address for his home. Neil leans back and rested his head against the the seat closing his eyes.

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