Chapter 38

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Hugging in her parents arms she sobbed loudly. Leaving her parents and family was the hardest part of girls lives. Words can't be expressed what they were feeling.

Neil stood beside Avni who was sobbed hugging her parents. His eyes tears up seeing her in this condition. Either he can feel or express what is like to leave his own parents to start new life in someone's family. It is really hard.

His eyes fell on Manik who starts moving away from there. It flashed back on the day when Nandini's wedding. His heart broke and could feel the pain in his heart.

He holds his tears back and looks at his parents whose eyes were filled with tears.

Neil took a step towards them and placed a hand on Avni's shoulder. They broke a hug and looks at Neil.

Ashish and Neela controlling their tears looks at Neil
With a smile.

Ashish holding Avni's hand placed it on Neil's and looks at him.

Ashish : Neil beta. I am giving you my most precious girl to you. Please take care of her. She is your happiness now. 

Neil nodded his head and looks a Avni who was still sobbed in her mother arms.

Neil : I promise you papa. She is mine. There won't any complain, I will treat her as my princess.

Ashish proudly smiles in his tears and hugs Neil patting his back. Neil hugged Ashish.

Neela broke the hug and cupping Avni's fave wipes the tears off from her cheeks.

Neela : bacha.. you have to strong. We aren't going anywhere.. stop crying.

Her tears wouldn't stop. Neil sighs and pulls her side in hug and gently strokes her hair.

Neil : love.. I got you.

He whispered softly into her ears. Neil looks at his parents who were ready to leave from their room.

Neil : mom. Can you please give few minutes?

Neil excusing himself from there with Avni still hugging to where Manik was standing and crying in Nandini's arms.

Avni eyes fell on Manik and her heart shattered him.. all the memories and fights with him start flashing. She left Neil and moves to them calling Manik's name.

Avni : Bha...bhai..

Her voice shutters as she got near them and hearing her voice Nandini broke the hug and steps aside giving the siblings some alone time..

Nandini went and side hug Neil who watched the malthora siblings crying their hearts out hugging his each other so tightly.

Manik broke the hug and cups Avni's face.

Manik : I don't want my princess to cry.. tears doesn't suit you.. I want you be happy.

Manik then looks at Neil and holding Avni's hand walks to them...

Manik : Neil.. she is your now. Please take care of her. Don't hurt her.

Neil nodded his head looks at Avni.

Khanan family side guest starts to leave leaving both family.. swetha and Bebe looks at each other then looks at Neela who nodding her head starts making the arrangements.

Everyone starts walking towards the car and last time Avni hugging her parents and manan sat in the car..

Neil sat the car after hugging the malthora and gestures the driver to drive.

Neil took his handkerchief took and passed to Avni who took it and wipes her tears off.

Neil held her hands and pulls her head on his shoulder and whispered sweets words to her trying to comfort her..

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