Chapter 32

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He got hold of her, her chest crashed to his chest. She looks at who had evil smirk playing on his lips.

She wriggled in his arm and stomping his foot tried running away but Neil was smart to suppress the pain and tighten the grip on his hold.

He moves closer and learning down whispers.

Neil : where will you go now love? There is no way you can escape from my hold. Can you?

He challenged her making Avni pass smug smirk to Neil and pinched his arm.

Avni : Neil! Leave me! We have a party attend.

Neil : oh really! I forget about that!

Avni : Neil be serious!

Neil : I am serious love! And about the party we won't attend! Before starts throwing any fits let me tell you, party was just excuse! You don't require to be there.

Avni : is this all your plan?

Neil : finally you got me love! This was my plan! Business party was just excuse. But the main plan was to bring you here. And I think I succeeded that.

Neil cupping Avni's face placed a kiss on her forehead. He then kissed her both cheeks. He looks up staring in her eyes, all he saw was love and pure of joy.

Neil blinking his eyes bend his head and their lips touching when he whispered.

Neil : can I kiss you love?

Her consent was his right to ask before he could go any further. Avni hearts whelmed when he asked permission to kiss her.

She also closed her head and bobbed her head. Once he got the permission he captured her lips into his.

He starts kissing her passionately and softly. He sucked her lips like his entire his life was dependent on the kiss. His hand went around her neck pulling her more close to him.

She also responded the kiss with the same passion as his. Her fingers ran into his hair. They kissed each other till they were out of breaths.

Neil smirks and breaking the kiss, a second later captured her lips again after letting few airs passed between them.

Neil broke the kiss and rested his head against hers. His one hand holding hers.

Neil: I love you so much love!

Avni : I love you too Neil!

Neil smiles and moving away holding her hand drags her to other side of ship where he beautifully arranged dinner date.

Avni was amazed seeing the set up. Her eyes bursting with tears, those tears were happy tears. Her heart overwhelmed seeing how much he loves her.

Avni : oh my god! Neil this is so amazing. I love this. Thank you so much.

Neil smiles and pulls a chair making her sit.

Neil pulling a chair opposite her sat down and looks at Avni who squealed seeing the cuisines front of her.

Avni : wow! So many variety of food. Chinese, Italian and Indian! I love you so much Neil. This is my best day.

Neil smiles fullest. His heart was content and satisfied seeing his love being happy over little things.

He starts filling her plate and his own. He pours the wine for themselves and starts digging in.

Neil : how is the food?

Avni : yummy! Very delicious. I love it so much.

Neil nodded his head and ate his food. They were continued with the dinner while talking randomly.

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