Chapter 17

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Neela placing the tray on side tables walks to Avni who was sitting in balcony zoned out. Neela sighing herself sat beside Avni who still didn't acknowledge Neela's presence.

Neela placed her hand on Avni's shoulder gaining Avni's attention. Avni looked stunned seeing Neela.

Avni : maa! When did you come?

Neela : what happened bacha. I have been noticing you since you came back from the camp, you seems very lost. Is something bothering you. You can tell me.

Avni : maa! I don't know how shall I tell you. Honestly I don't even know what I am feeling right my now.

Neela sighs and puts Avni's head on her lap and starts caressing her hairs. Meanwhile Avni feeling motherly warmth buries her face into Neela's lap.

A minute silence Neela looks again at avni and found her fallen asleep.

Neela smiles and kissing Avni's forehead lets her sleep.

Neela comes downstairs and found Ashish.

Neela : when did you come?

Ashish looks at Neela.

Ashish : just minute ago. Where is princess? I didn't see whole this week. Is she okay?

Neela : I really don't know what is going on with her. I tried talking to her but she hasn't said anything. I think you should talk to her. Maybe I should ask Manik. He might know what is bothering Avni.

Ashish : where is avni?

Neela : she is sleeping.

Ashish nods his head and excusing himself went to fresh up.

Neela taking empty glass that Ashish was holding went to kitchen to make some snacks.

Avni descending down the stairs found herself moving into kitchen as het stomach betrayed.

Avni smiles seeing Neela in kitchen and taking small steps back hugs Neela making Neela startled.

Neela : oh my god. Bacha you scared me. When did you come?

Avni : just while ago. What are you making maa? I'm really hungry.

Neela : my bacha is hungry. I made some panner roll.

Avni breaking the hug looks at Neela who passed her one panner roll. Avni smiles and feeling hungry sitting on kitchen slab starts devouring the wrap.

Neela : shall I make something else for you bacha?

Avni wiping her lips with napkins look at Neela shaking her head.

Avni : no maa. I'm full now. Is papa home?

Neela : he got home two hours ago. He must be in his room or study.

Avni : okay. I will go and see him.

Neela nods her head.

Knocking Ashish's study room Avni tapping her foot on the floor looks around till she heard Ashish saying 'come in'

Nibbling her lips lightly and fiddling with her fingers enters in the room and gazing up lightly stares Ashish who was engrossed reading a file.

Ashish feeling his  princess presence pretending being busy with his work as he wants his daughter to speak up.

She gathering some encourage clears her throat and looking at Ashish who drops file spoke.

Avni : papa.. can I have a word with you?

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