Chapter 36

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Neil rubbing his eyes sat up on the bed and his eyes fell on the clock. His body aches from the last night.

He leans back against the headboard and picks his phone up. He smiles seeing the wallpaper. He caressed it and brining close to his lips kissed it.

He then unlocking his phone dials a number. His smiles wider as he heard her voice.

Neil: morning love.

Avni : good morning Neil. Woke up.

Neil : yeah, while back. Are you ready for haldi? What will you be wearing?

Avni : I haven't decided. I can't seems decided.

Neil : can I pick it for you?

Avni : you will choose for me?

Neil : yeah. Can't I?

Avni : I can't say no. Please help me out.

Neil : how about a saree?

Avni : a saree. Neil this isn't helping me. I know your mischief.

Neil : please wear a saree. I want to see you in a saree.

Avni : I won't! You didn't even help me. Bye.

She frustratedly hangs up the call making Neil chuckle.

He placed the phone back on side table and gets down bed.

Neil: just few hours left then you will be my wife.
Mrs Avni Neil khanna.

He grins widely and walks to washroom to fresh up.

Wrapping himself in a towel and ruffling his wet hair comes out of the washroom and moves to his closet.

He picks up the yellow Kurta with white pajama.
Closing the closet he moves to bed and starts getting ready.

Moving back to dressing table he fixed his hair and sprayed perfume on himself.

Glancing himself in the mirror walks back to bed side and picks his phone up and headed downstairs.

( Neil's attire)

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( Neil's attire)

He smiles seeing his family who were waiting for him to starts the haldi ceremony.

Swetha : morning Neil. Are you ready now?

Neil : morning mom. Yes I am. Where is the rest?

He spoke not finding his friends and other relatives.

He walks towards them and greets them. He spotted his sister running in rush, he smiles and looks at his friends who were gathered up in as a group and having conversations.

He frowns and wonder what would be coining in their heads. He shook his head and looks to find his mother or Bebe.

He rolls his sleeves up and went in the backyard looking for them. He found them making arrangements for haldi.

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