Chapter 23

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They both didn't realise how long they stood beside each other, feeling each other presence but still no words come out for their mouths. Either of them was ready to break the silence between them.

Neil sighs and taking a deep breath glanced her side away as her hair was covering her face as the wind blew their way.

Neil didn't know how to apologise from breaking his promise or how to say he has failed before their relationship began, he had some turmoil bolting up in his mind. He didn't get understand how can he let his emotions out that too front of her.

He wasn't ready to give up but some many negatives thoughts ran cross his head, what if she doesn't forgive him. How will he live with guilt that is killing him every seconds when he thinks about her.

Neil takes a deep breath and glances at Avni whose gaze was fixed staring the ocean.

Clearing his throat he spoke staring the blue ocean.

Neil : I am sorry.

Avni who heard him saying sorry didn't look or responded back.

Neil : will you ignore me now? I am really sorry. I really meant. I tried my best to come out and meet you for final time before you leave but it seems like god didn't wanted us to meet at time. I am really sorry Avni. I failed to fulfil your promise. I failed to give you something that you wished, I didn't even tried much harder to get to you. I really disappointed you Avni. I am really sorry.

His voice tone changed as he spoke. His voice sounded very helpless. He just couldn't explain his feelings or turmoil that he was going through.

Neil placed his hand on Avni's shoulder when he felt she wasn't going to forgive him. He stood behind her and back hugs her.

She finally gave up leaning back on his chest with her eyes closed. She knew he didn't break his promise but somehow understood situations was different.

She couldn't blame him, taking small breath she turns swiftly hugging him tightly, with her arms wrapped around his neck and her face completely hidden in his chest.

He felt his uniform getting soaked by her tears. He heart felt broke seeing her whimpering hiding herself in his chest.

He tries to break the hug but she didn't allow it instead tightens her grip against his body pulling him closer to herself.

He sighs and with his free hand he gentle starts stroking her hairs lovingly. He also starts dropping numerous of kisses on back of her head.

He again tried breaking the hug once her whimpers slowly stops. He broke the hug and looks into her eyes which was filled with tears and dark circles under her eyes.

He rubs his thumb wiping the tears off then placing a soft kiss on her both eyes. He then cupping her face placed his lips on her forehead and rested it there for a minute.

He still cupping her face looks into her eyes.

Neil : I don't know if I am forgiven or not but I would like to say something. I want to promise to you something. As I have always mentioned in past I don't know what my or your future holds but some part of me wants me to become selfish and keep you with me forever. I want to live my life with you Avni. I want you to be my past, present and future. I may not be with you always but you live in my heart. I want to cherish you forever. I don't know confess now because this is not how I planed. I want to do something unique and different but for now please accept me as your half boyfriend..

He then leaves her cheeks then gets down on his knees holding her hand in his. Her eyes widen and tears brimming into her ears as her heart bursting out in happiness. Butterflies ran into her stomach.

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