Chapter 47

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Waking up early, he pecking his wife head climbs down the bed and grabbing his phone moves out of the room. He dialled a number and some arrangements.

He ended the call and shoving his phone in his pocket, he folded his arms against his chest.

He smiles as he felt soft arms wrapping around his waist. He didn't unfold his arms and waits till she say something.

Like he wished and in a minute it was fulfilled by his wife who whispered a good morning in soft voice.

Avni : good morning Neil.

Neil : good morning sweetheart. Had good sleep!

He patted her head gently and looks at the view.

Avni : you woke up early? I have complain about you.

Neil : what is the complain love?

Avni : I don't like you leaving me alone in the bed.

He chuckles.

Neil : next time you won't find alone in bed. I promise.

Avni : promise!

He nodded his head and turning his head side way looking at her. He broke the hug and turning around facing her cups her face.

Neil : I have made arrangements for breakfast . Do  you want to fresh up and meet me in the pool.

Avni nodding her head and kissing his cheek headed back inside the room while Neil took his shorts and placing on the side jumped in the pool.

He leans other side of the pool waiting for his wife arrival. As she arrives, he smirks seeing her dressed in a bathrobe.

Neil : come on wife. You can take that bathrobe off. You can come inside.

His eyes fixed with her as she got hold of the knot of bathrobe, she pulls the knot and sliding the remove off her body.

Their eyes were locked with each other, he didn't dare to look away from her eyes. His eyes glanced down her body and his eyes shines up seeing how beautiful she is.

His eyes darkness as he bits his lips staring her body deeply. He didn't realise when she jumped in the pool making her way towards him.

As the realisation hits him, he encircles his arms around her waist and pulling her with thump to his chest. He glanced her down her lips for mere seconds as he bends down capturing her lips into his.

His lips moulded against her lips as he poured Ali his love kissing her hell out. Her hands wrapped around his neck as she kissed him back with the same passion. Their body pressed against each other.

He pinched her waist as she shrieked in which and he took as opportunity entering in her mouth. He wouldn't stop kissing her, his hands roaming around her bare upper body shamelessly.

He broke the kiss leaving her breathless. He rested his head against hers, he caressed her hair gently and smirks looking at swollen lips.

He rubs his thumb over lips and licks his own lips before bending down once again and capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

He kissed her softly and gently. His smile softened as he broke the kiss staring her. His hand reached behind him and picked a piece of strawberry bring to his lips making her gasp as she noticed a bowl of breakfast floating in the water.

Her eyes widen as she watched him shoving the strawberry in his mouth and chewing it with a smirk plying on his lips.

She slaps his chest and was about move away when he got hold of her and pulled her back crashing her chest with his.

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