Chapter 50

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Whole week in Maldives was blissful and memorable. They were made some memories. Whole week was filled with love and romance of theirs.

They didn't wasted a single day where they wouldn't return back in the room making love. They were over the moon cherishing their moments, but also sad as today was their last night in Maldives.

They both were lying on bed cuddling with each other. His hand caressed her hair gently and soft and in between he would drop kisses on on her head.

Her head rested on his chest as she ran a finger on his chest.

He bends down looking at her who looked lost in deep thoughts. He frowns and calls her name out.

Neil : love...

Her thoughts were disturb and she looks up meeting his eyes.

Neil : love, what are you thinking? You seems lost.

Avni : I was thinking about us Neil.

Neil: us! As in?

Avni : we will return back to India then we will also return back to our work..

Her words made him think about the reality of their relationship and circumstances. It wasn't going to be easy journey for them once they return back to India.

Neil sighs and shoving his thoughts away looks down at his wife who seems very upset about returning back to India and where things will be going back home.

Neil : love. Why are you worrying and getting upset about that? Now or later we have return back to India and regardless of our work then we will talk about that later. I don't want you worrying about that when we supposed to be enjoying ourselves. Please smile and enjoy yourself..

She smiles lightly making him sigh.. he wouldn't let things ruin their enjoyments. He smiles and starts tickling her making her laugh loudly.

His heart flutters as he watched her smiling and laughing carefree. He pecks her lips and leans back on the bed pulling her in his arms tightly.

Neil : I love you so much.

Avni : I love you too.

They both smiled looking at each other.  He glanced at the time and looks back at his wife who snuggles in his chest.

Neil : love, do you know go out or swim?

She peeps out from his chest and looks at him.

Avni : I really don't wish to go out but I like the idea of swimming. We can do it.

Neil smiles and pecks her forehead.

Neil : amazing. I'll go and make some arrangements. Why don't you join me shortly?

She nodded her head and pushing him on bed runs away leaving him lying on bed.

He chuckles and shaking his head off climbs down the bed and walks outside of the room.

He then checked few arrangements like the water temperature and arranging snacks and drinks on the table by the pool.

He ruffles his hair and starts opening his shirt buttons, he then got rid of his trousers before he jumped in the pool.

He dipped his body in the water few times.. he turns back staring his wife who comes there in her inner wears.

His eyes fixed on her body, slowly he trails his gaze down her body and gulps hardly.. his breath hitched watching his wife getting in pool.

He yanks her close to him by holding her hands.. he tucks her hair behind and pecks side of her neck.

Neil : are getting bold love? Do you want me to show my boldness too?

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