Chapter 44

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Turning the alarm off, she glanced her husband whose face was hidden in her neck, his arms tightly griped around her waist.

She bends down and kissing his has softly. She brought her hand up and ruffled his hair gently. 

Glancing the time, she tries to remove his arms but failed miserably. She sighs and stay lying back in bed with him snoring lightly.

Her hand in his hairs ruffling gently she wondered how days would be without him. All of sudden she felt anxious being away from him, she her heart stop beating a minute.

She couldn't imagine how will she live without himZ she never wants to think about leaving away from her. Her eyes glints with tears... she didn't realise when her tears rolls down and fell on his body.. he was wide awake without her acknowledge.

He startles as he felt a drop of tears on his skin.. he jerks himself and looks at his love whose eyes were filled with tears. His heart broke seeing her in this state.

He cups her face and starts questioning her.

Neil : hey.. love what happened? Why are you crying? Did you see a bad dream? It's okay.. nothing will happen to you.

He tried comforting her. When she didn't respond he pulls her in tight hug, pulling her close to her chest.

He rubs her back smoothing her. He whispered sweets words.

Neil : it's okay love.

He tightness his grip and stayed hugging her. Neil pulls away and looks at her face which was swelled with tears and looked down.

He cups her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Neil : it's okay. You don't have to be worried. I'm got to love.

He consoled her and pulls her back in his arms. A silence hollowed for a minute till he decided to break it.

Neil : what made you cry love? Did you see bad dream? Please tell me. You need to express what you're feeling. Please share with me.

Avni just snuggles to his chest not bothering to respond. He sighs and hugs her back, pecking her hair.

Neil deeply sighs as he felt her fallen asleep in his arms. He pecks her forehead and untangling himself gets down the bed and covering her with duvet moves to washroom.

Neil walks down the stairs and smiles as he found Manik walking out of his room.

Neil : good morning Manik.

Manik : good morning Neil. Did you sleep well?

Neil : I did. Where are you heading to?

Manik: to gym. Do you want to join me?

Neil nodded his head and taking his phone out dropped a message to Avni informing her that he was going out.

Neil shoving his phone in his pocket follows Manik. They got into conversation and went to gym.

Her eyes flicks opens and frowns feeling other side of bed empty. She sat up leaning her back against headboard and picks her phone up to call him but stops seeing the message from Neil.

She sighs and picking the phone on charging gets down the bed and walks to washroom to fresh up.

Coming out of the washroom, she moves to dressing table and starts getting ready not realising her husband presence in the room.

He stood leaning against the door and was awestruck seeing his wife beauty. He stood there admiring his wife.

As a reflex feeling strong gaze on her, she turns around and looks at him getting lost in his eyes.

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