Chapter 45

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Throwing all the clothes on bed, she sighs sitting down holding her head. He walks inside the room and shook his head seeing all the clothes scattered in the room.

His eyes fell on his wife who sat on bed muttering few curses which was audible to him. He chuckles and starts walking towards her.

Neil : love. What have done to the room? Look at the mess.

Neil steps back and stops talking as she snapped her head and gave dangerous glare.

Neil : it's love. I get it. Relax. Why are you worrying so much about clothes? Didn't I mention you, we will be shopping. Look at the state of the room.

He held her shoulder and made her stand up. He cups her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

Neil : why are you frustrated?

Avni : how can I not be frustrated Neil? You said you will take us on shopping but have you? No right! Don't give excuses of yours. We will be leaving tonight but we haven't even packed.

Neil : why are you so stressed? We still have hours to Pack. You need stop worrying for such a things love. It will stress you out. I don't want you stressing unnecessarily. I have called up baby girl, she will joining us. We will pick her up in an hour or so. First we need clean the mess. Okay.

He pecks her forehead and moves back picking clothes from the floor and placing it on bed.

All of sudden guilts starts killing her inside. She felt so childish behaving her like that.

Glancing Neil who was cleaning the room, decided to help him out.

It took them almost an hour to neatly clean the room. They both deeply tiredly sighs sitting down.

He looks at Avni with a small smile playing on his lips.

Neil : you should get changed, then we will leave for shopping.

Nodding her head she stood up and moves to washroom while Neil picking his phone made few arrangements.

He ending the call and getting ready moves to his closet, he opens it and took some cash shoving in his wallet.

He shoved his phone back in his pocket and waits near couch waiting for Avni to come.

He looks up hearing the washroom noise and found his wife walking out of washroom in casual looking gorgeous as always. Her smiles adding the charm of her beauty.

He stood up and moves towards her.

Neil : ready!

Avni :yes! Let me grab my phone and purse then we are ready to leave.

Neil nods his head and waits while she grabs her belongs moving back to Neil.

Neil smiles and entwining their hands headed out of the room.

As they descend the stairs, they found Bebe and swetha chatting sitting in living hall.

Neil : mom, we are going out. We will be back within few hours.

Swetha nodded her head. They bidding a bye to them walks out of the mansion.

Neil unblocking his car enters and looks at his wife who also settled on passenger seat.

Neil fasten his seatbelt and looks at Avni.

Neil : love, please ring baby girl. Ask her to be ready.

Avni nodded her head and calls Nandini informing her as Neil told.

Neil starting the engine drove to malthora farmhouse. In between he turns the music and glanced at Avni who rested her head on his shoulder, interlocking their hands resting on her lap.

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