Chapter 29

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Neil broke the hug and cupping her face wiped the tears with his thumb and placed a kiss on her forehead followed by on both of the cheeks.

Neil : I don't like tears in your eyes. I have a small surprise you. Please don't spoil it. I have kept something for you on the bed. Quickly get change and meet me downstairs.

Neil rubs his thumb on her cheeks still staring her intensely. Avni sniffing glances on the bed and saw a gift wrapped beautiful placed on the bed.

She grinned and smiled fullest pushing Neil away as she ran towards the bed picking the gift up.

She quickly unwraps the gift and squeals seeing the dress inside. She took out and held turning herself around Neil showing him the dress.

Neil chuckles at her antics as holding the dress in her hand she jumped on him hugging him tightly.

Avni: this is so gorgeous. Thank you so much Neil.

Neil smiles and caressed her hair and pecks it. He broke the hug and cupping her face placed a kiss on her forehead.

Neil : did you like it?

Avni : like it? I love it Neil!

She couldn't express her gratitude towards Neil giving his all effort to make her smile.

Neil :I am glad you love it! Why don't you go and get dressed? I will meet you downstairs. I want my half girlfriend to dressed up for me.

Avni kissing his cheek hardly rushed to washroom leaving Neil froze. Neil touched his cheek and chuckled as he walks out of the room.

Coming out of the washroom dressed in the dress that Neil gifted her moves to dressing table, she then starts applying minimal make up on.

She pulls the drawer and took few matching jewellery out and wore them. She also wear a sliver watch on her wrist.

She then took her favourite brand perfume and sprayed on herself.

Glancing herself in the mirror smiles brightly and grabbing a sling bag and phone she walks out of the room.

As she gets down the stairs she found her brother sitting in living room.

Manik noticing Avni up smiles and getting up side hugs her.

Manik: my baby doll looks gorgeous. What's the plan! Are you going somewhere?

Avni smiles and her head thanking Manik.

Avni : have you seen Neil? He said he will be waiting for me here? I don't see him.

Manik chuckles and gestures towards the stairs where Neil was climbing down the stairs.

They eyes got locked with each other. Neil smirks as he found her staring him. Neil smiles at Manik who shook his head and left from there.

Neil clicks his finger front of Avni's face making her come out of her thoughts.

Neil : where are you lost love?

Avni : nowhere! Yes nowhere.

Neil: you can't even lie! I know you're drooling over my hot body.

Avni rolls her eyes and looked around the room controlling her blush being caught by Neil.

Neil moves closer and encircling his arm around her waist pulls her closer making her chest touch his chest. Their breath fanning against their lips.

Neil smirks and going closer to her ear, his lips touching her ears whispered.

Neil : oh my! My love. You look dead gorgeous. You look breathtaking. I love it.

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