Chapter 46

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A cold breeze hits their face as they come out of the airport. Fixing his cap he glanced beside to see his wife smiling widely. Her smile is something he can die for. His heart bleated seeing the smile of his love.

He placed his hand on hers, she snapped her head and looks at him, her eyes conveys admiration standing in front of her dream place.

Her dream was fulfilled by love of her happy. It could have been better than this. Her eyes shined brightly as her eyes also tears up seeing how much he loves her.

Shoving her tears back, she pressed her hand on his smiling at him.

He returns the smile back and taking his phone out with his free hand calls someone.

Neil : hello, we have arrived. I'm unable to locate you. Where are you?

Caller : hello sir.. please be at entrance. I can see you both. I will be there.

Neil : okay.. please be quick.

Caller : will do sir.

Neil ended the call and looks at Avni caressing her cheek lightly.

Neil : he is on the way. Would like to sit somewhere?

Avni : no! I will be okay. I want shower then sleep. I am exhausted.

Neil : same love! I just want to cuddle you. Travelling is tiring.

She agrees to him leaning on his shoulder.

Neil waves at the person as he heard his name being called out, and he immediately recognised the guy who would tour guide.

Neil : hello. Neil khanna, this is my wife mrs Avni Neil khanna.

Person : welcome to Maldives. Hope you enjoy the trip. I will be guiding you both.  My name is Eric.

Neil : thank you Eric. Can you please guide us to our hotel?

Eric smiles and nodding his head took their luggage walking to his car. They followed him holding hands.

They all settled in the car and Eric starting the engine drove to the hotel where they will be staying.

Neil pecks Avni's head as she fall asleep resting her head on his shoulder. Neil had conversation with Eric who told him about some places to explore in Maldives.

Neil caressing his wife back look outside of window admiring the scenery of the Maldives.

Neil began to wake Avni up as they arrived at their destination, he softly calls her name out.

Neil : love, we have arrived. Please wake up.

She flicks her eyes opens slowly and stares looking into his eyes. He smiles and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Neil : we have arrived, look outside.

She smiles and stretching her arms, she glanced outside of window and gasped seeing the sight front of her eyes.

It looked so unreal for her. She found hard to believe, she was finally in Maldives, her dream place.

She sequels like a child and getting out of the car starts adorning the place while Neil chuckles and coming out of the car helped Eric taking the luggage out.

Neil's heart bursted with happiness and overwhelmed seeing his wife happy. He believes, he has won a medal seeing her so happy.

He chuckles moving towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder who couldn't stop gushing over the place.

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