Chapter 12

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In Delhi, malthora mansion.

Neil taking over the call descend down the stairs and found the malthora couple sitting in hall. He ending the call moves to them and greeted them good morning.

Neil : good morning.

Ashish: good morning Neil.

Neela : good morning Neil! Slept well?

Neil : yes aunty... I have something tell to both.

He looks at them who gestures him to speak up.

Neil : I will be leaving tomorrow as my mission is complete here.

Neela : why are you leaving so early Neil? This is also your family. If mission is over doesn't mean you can't stay here with us. We are family Neil.

Neil : I know we are family aunty but I have another mission.

Ashish : another mission. Where is this located?

Neil : its in Delhi but I have to stay in a campus. I would be training to young boys and girls who wants to become army officer. It not necessary for then after training to become army officer but it helps a lot defending and protecting themselves from any danger.

Neela : how long is this? And when you are leaving?

Neil : it will be two weeks long. I'll be leaving tomorrow morning.

Neela : okay! We will miss you having here. You are same like Manik to us Neil. We missed Manik with us but your arrival didn't let happen.

Neil smiles.

Neil: thank you letting me be part of the family. I'm so glad to become one.

Neela and Ashish smiles at him. They were talking themselves that didn't feel to notice someone heard their conversation. Avni who was going down stopped hearing Neil's voice.

She stood there and listened what they were talking about. Avni smiles as she descends down the stairs.

Standing behind Ashish kissed his cheek then moves to Neela.

Avni : good morning maa.

She also kissed her cheek before turning her gaze at Neil and smiles.

Avni : good morning Neil! How's your hand?

Neil : good morning avni. It's better. Thank you for last night.

Avni : mention not!

She sat beside Neela and looks at her mother whose eyes glints of something that avni couldn't understand what. Avni shook her head.

Avni : maa, Manik Bhai said to call him later.

Neela : when did you spoke to him?

Avni : last night! Call him.

Neela nods and moves to kitchen followed by avni.

Avni grabs an apple and starts munching while helping Neela with the breakfast.

Neela : bacha can I ask you something?

Avni looks at Neela and nods while taking another bite of an apple.

Neela : what do you think about Neil?

Avni's eyes widen.. she starts coughing as the apple piece got stuck in her throat soon as Neela spoke about Neil.

Avni coughing few more times and grabbing glass of water gulps it down before looking at Neela.

Avni : what maa? What do you mean by that?

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