Chapter 42

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Sitting beside him, she watched how deeply he was engrossed doing something on his laptop.

She waited him to acknowledge her presence but seeing no reaction from him, she fumed in angry and was about to snatch the laptop away when he looks up in surprise looking at her.

Neil : hey love, when did you come? I didn't notice you.

Avni : how will you notice me, when you so busy?

She spoke sarcastically making Neil chuckle understanding her taunt.

Neil : love, you didn't need to get jealous. I wasn't doing anything wrong.

Avni : I wasn't getting jealous, that too with a laptop. Definitely no.

Neil : i will let you believe on that. I want to show you something. Have a look at these places.

Avni : places. For what Neil.

Neil : did you forget where newly married couple goes love?

Avni : oh! Honeymoon.

Neil : yes love. Suggest me some places where you would like to go?

Avni : I have two places in my mind, I don't know if it's right idea though.

Neil : stop overthinking. I'm asking were would you like to go. It isn't that difficult it. Is it?

Avni : there isn't Neil.. but.

Neil : I don't want to hear excuses love. I don't want you compromising because of any silly reasons. Suggest some places then I will make the arrangements.

Avni : I have two places. Maldives and Paris. They are my dream place to visit with my partner. We don't have to go both places.. I just love and fantasise going there.

Neil : we will go both places as my wife wishes to go. Its my right to fulfil your dream love. I would love going to there too. I will make the arrangements.

Avni smiles brightly and kissing his head placed her head on his shoulder shifting close to him as they watched some other good places to travel together in some time later.

They also looked pictures of Maldives and Paris. Neil turns his side and saw Avni fallen asleep. He smiles and shutting the laptop gently placed it side and pecking her head he gently holding her head laid her down on bed and picking the laptop gets up placing it on couch.

Neil comes to bed and lying beside Avni covering themselves pulls Avni into his arm. She snuggles into his arms making him smile widely. He pecks her forehead and whispers.

Neil : goodnight love. I love you.

Neil closed his eyes and slept dreaming about his love.

Next morning, Neil woke up early and watched wife sleeping so peacefully and content. He smiles and pecking her forehead and untangling himself he gets down bed and walks to washroom.

He comes out of washroom in gym attire and glancing at Avni who was still asleep moves to bed grabbing his phone.

He shoved his phone in pocket and pecking her side of head went out of the room.

Flicking her eyes open, she opens her eyes and frowns not seeing him on the bed. Her eyes fell on the clock and sitting up against headboard, she sighs and taking few minutes she gets down the bed and went to fresh up.

She was in rush and got ready wondering why didn't she woke up early.

Slapping her forehead, she quickly got ready and grabbing her phone she headed downstairs.

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